"How can you run from a dead person, unless you're dead yourself?"
-Venus in Furs
--Horrornews--Horrorchat--Reviews--General filth--
Mortado's Page of Filth http://www.nwlink.com/~mortado/
The sprints and modifides ran a five and six race "season," respectively, but
there were only two dirt tracks available, Indianapolis Fairgrounds and Ascot.
They both also raced on the pavement at Nazareth, and the modifides ran at
Michigan, too.
The graphics are just what you would expect for 1991, not all that great.
320x240 vga was the max. Not ever having driven a real sprint, I can't say
how authentic the handling was. It was different though. For what they had
to work with at the time, they probably did a good job replicating the slides
through the corners, although I would like to see a sprint car simulation now
on the technical level of GPL.
John Frost
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It may be difficult to find, but you might come across it in a bargain bin,
as this driving sim/game first came out in 1997.
It does require a 3D card, and I'm not sure if it supports D3D, so if you
don't have a voodoo based card you may be S.O.L ???
I would also recommend at least a PII if you want decent frame rates....
John Bodin has a website in support of it, you can check out more details
For more details on this series check out:
Good luck!
Jay J
The problem with their Home Page is that it will not allow you to
download, so I dont know if they have changed servers since this link
was posted or what the problem is.
At one time someone posted the correct URL on here and it was something
like GeoCities.Com\Motorcity\????|???. I have lost the correct address
so maybe someone reading this can help us out.
After repeatedly dumping on ABC road to INdy, I installed it again this
weekend and raced a championship in the Silver Crown cars (and won!). I
actually had a good time. That is not to say it is a terribly good game,
the accidents are bizarre to say the least (think of a car made of flubber),
the control is OK, if a little numb (probably like the real car), Sound is
dismal, graphics are low-mid decent 3D, (framerate limited to 20 in the
software) and there aren't enough tracks. You also can't do any adjusting
on the various dirt cars (Midget, Sprint, Silver Crown).
It is still a pretty dumb product, but if you see it for <20$, it might be
worth buying it. The copy I bought contained two identical CDs and I sent
one to a friend in Colorado. I guess they are smart enough to know people
who buy the game are not going to buy it again to race 'legally' against
someone else.
"religion is remedial spirituality"
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