Hello everyone, if someone has the time to email me the ncr2 demo I would
be forever gratefull!!!!!!
Hello everyone, if someone has the time to email me the ncr2 demo I would
be forever gratefull!!!!!!
<<Hello everyone, if someone has the time to email me the ncr2 demo
I would be forever gratefull!!!!!!>>
It's a tad over eight megabytes. Most ISP's don't provide mailboxes
large enough to handle an attatchment that size. Besides... it would
take someone well over an hour to upload it as an attatched file. I
would wait to see when allgames.com has more bandwidth capability.
#6 & #94 in the *real* quest for the Cup
My home away from home... http://www.mindspring.com/~ntotoro/
Well, this is great. I donwloaded the whole demo fine, and then... I find
that it requires 16megs of ram. Just great. This sucks. Oh well, gotta wait
for the game now then I guess.