i run nascar racing on a 486sx25 with 8mram its a little slow
if i want any detail or have a lot of cars on but it works!!!!
thats the iportant thing
i run nascar racing on a 486sx25 with 8mram its a little slow
if i want any detail or have a lot of cars on but it works!!!!
thats the iportant thing
I was running the same thing and decided to upgrade to a VLB board with a
486DX4-100 Intel Overdrive CPU with 12MB of RAM. Now, I can run VGA with
everything turned on and it flies. In SVGA, I run it fine with the asphalt and
grass off and no fans in the stands, and I'm drawing 38 cars in front and 5
behind, even. Anyone out there running NASCAR on an SX should definitely look
into upgrading to a fast DX or Pentium. Playing this sim is much more fun now.