Recently, I re-installed my I-76 and also downloaded the huge 5-part Gold
Edition hardware update/patch. Well, after installing the patch, the game
runs a lot smoother with better graphics but I have a few problems.
1. Sound doesn't work at all. The intros and menu music works fine, but
the minute the action begins, the sound is gone.
2. Glitchy graphics. The game runs a lot smoother (probably well over
60fps) but there are major glitches in the background and the in-car
3. If I choose to run the game in 3DFX mode, my only choice of resolution
is 640X480. Is that it? I've got a VooDoo3, dotcha think I can at least
support 1024X768?
If anyone can throw me a frikkin' bone here, I'd appreciate it.