Those were good times...the community was a lot closer back then. I
remember*** out in the Compuserve forums and hearing about it. I was
there the first night it went public. I ran in a bunch of leagues ringing
up $900 phone bills. I didn't was a blast. My ID was sbycroft.
I ran in Late Night with Dave, SSCA BGN, CUP, and Sunday Nights, NRH, and
"No passing in the tri!!!" LOL!!!
>> Waves Hand...
>> I don't remember a lot about how the service worked, but I do remember
>> the
>> $300 Phone Bills :)
>> -Larry
>>> Hard to believe its been 10 years since my first online racing
>>> experience. I was wondering how many old-timers that still follow
>>> this group were testers on Hawaii? A show of hands and handles.
>>> I went by MR.V
>>> Tim yuhasz
> I think I started on Hawaii in Mar-Apr 96' as naman. Are you talking
> about
> the beta of the beta?.
> Heh, $300 was a baby crack habit ;) I doubled that every month for 5-6
> months. Nearly $4k in all but dam if it wasnt worth every penny. Online
> racing has never been the same imo. I was only the un-touching middle man
> between HP payroll and Pacific Bell Phone Co accts recievables for awhile,
> heh.
> TEN seemed a much more disconnected experience than Hawaii, on the pickup
> racing side anyway. Watching leaders/winner from the lobby was fun in
> itself. Running against Huggins is still the same too ;) <== notice the
> wink Bob.
> Every time I mention an online race to my better half, the first thing
> from
> her mouth is "is it long distance?" LOL.
> Mitch
> --
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