> It's getting along quite well... I'm in the latter stages of preparing the
> shell - and then it's of to the painter for a respray.
> Also been busy preparing a Mini Marcos for a "customer" aswell as helping
> Matt out with his car. He took 4 class wins from 4 starts last season -
> although competition was "petite" to say the least.. Highlight of the
> season was the last race when his prays for rain finally paid off - was
> such a blast watching him "kill" Mustangs in the wet ending with a well
> deserved 5th overall.
> Oh well - seems like things are pretty dull in the virtual-world so it
> looks like we picked the right time to convert back into real size cars
> :o)
> Any big news I've missed? (Like Racing Legends having been released (sorry
> 'couldnt help it!) or big announcements from the ex-Papy guys at FIRST?)
> --
> ed_
>>> <= Back into hiding...
>>> (Prerparing my historic racecar you see)
>> How's that deal coming along Ed? When do we see ya on Speed channel :)
>> Mitch
>> --
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>> SuSE 9.2 Pro KDE 3.3.2a
Glad to hear it Ed.
As far as virtual cars go I just received GTR today. To me GTR is on par
with GPL and nearly the best thing since sliced bread ;)
Seriously though, we finally get something for the *** simmer and all
we hear is "its the same as F1C" which imo is a load of bs. Yet in the
next sentence the same guys say how great NSR "WILL BE WITH A PATCH" and
that no one cheats in NR2003... go figure...
What happened to the good ole days when roof riders were ridiculed and aids
users were cheaters and true sims (as GTR) were glorified as gifts from
heaven ;)
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SuSE 9.2 Pro KDE 3.3.2a