The Unofficial Colin McRae Rally Players Zone
By Keith Quinton
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>PC Gamer UK say :
>"We will ABSOLOUTLY DEFINETLY have the first ever shots of Geoff Crammond's
>next issue"
>This is out September 24
Scott d(8-0}
Tony Long
> >Date: Tue, Sep 1, 1998 10:57 EDT
> >PC Gamer UK say :
> >"We will ABSOLOUTLY DEFINETLY have the first ever shots of Geoff Crammond's
> >GP3
> >next issue"
> >This is out September 24
> Is anybody else out there thinking that for all this wait, this ought to be one
> hell of a drive?
> Scott d(8-0}
If you work to the formula that "the longer the wait the better the
product", you'd be bitterly disappointed!
Some products STILL haven't seen the light of day.....they must be so
brilliant by now that the developers are afraid of unleashing them!
> Is anybody else out there thinking that for all this wait, this ought to be one
> hell of a drive?
Just so long as they finish it this time...
GP2 is my favorite game I suppose, but it is *so* flawed.
No wet weather.
No pit lane penalties
Unrealistic slipstreaming - surely
Unrealistic set-ups are quick - eg 10/1 wing for most tracks.
No computer intelligence *AT ALL* - forget all this 'each car has a
unique personality' business - it's lies!
btw I mean each driver, though maybe the cars do have personalities?
They maybe faster or slower on corners but thats it.
How about a rating system for each driver - I believe GPL does this. eg.
Slow Corners
Fast Corners
Wet Weather
Finally - and this is MOST important - they must know where to overtake.
Not just stay in the tow, duck out and duck back. They should know
enough to stay in the tow until their manouver co-incides with the ideal
braking point. If a move obviously won't work, they shouldn't continue
to try it for lap after lap.
We'll I think thats enough for now. If GP3 fulfills all these criteria I
will be very suprised.
ps. Thats a challenge Geoff!
Mike Wallace
Boy,NOW there is some imformation!!!!!!!!!!!!!
> Later...
> Tony Long
> > >Date: Tue, Sep 1, 1998 10:57 EDT
> > >PC Gamer UK say :
> > >"We will ABSOLOUTLY DEFINETLY have the first ever shots of Geoff
> Crammond's
> > >GP3
> > >next issue"
> > >This is out September 24
> > Is anybody else out there thinking that for all this wait, this
> ought to be one
> > hell of a drive?
> > Scott d(8-0}
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