>> Excuse me? Care to explain that?
>Yea, older Mac software does not run on OSX (Apple's newest OS). If you buy
>a new Mac I read it comes with a dual boot so you can run new and old
>software. OSX is based on Linux. Clear enough?
Just as I suspected. Another case of misinformation about Macs.
Older Mac software does run perfectly well on OS X. No need to dual
boot as OS X runs a Classic application support layer. It's almost
seamless. I have found two (2) classic applications in the last 12
months that didn't work in classic mode and required a reboot into Mac
OS 9.
OS X is not based on Linux. It's based on BSD UNIX. You get all the
unixy stuff like Apache (yeah, THAT webserver), MySQL, sendmail, bind,
ipfw, ssh etc. if you swing that way.
Do read http://www.apple.com/macosx/