> (...)
> BTW, how many years after WW2 did it take to stop the smattering of
> guerilla-like *** from Nazis and their sympathizers? 10-15?
Since you asked, *** stopped pretty quickly (in a matter of days)
in western Europe after the fall of Berlin. The fact that the war was
fought against an organised army contributed to that, of course, as did
the beginning of a long stand-off between what was to become NATO and
the USSR. Also no real nation-building effort was necessary, since the
war had erupted between well organised nation-states (except for the
BTW, the birth of the ECSC (European Coal and Steel Community, a baby
European Union), occured only 6 years after the war which was quite a
feat considering centuries of animosity between european nation-states.
Having said that, I don't think it makes much sense to compare Iraq to
Europe or Japan after WWII, or to Vietnam. As I said before Operation
Iraqi Freedom, think about another Lebanon (in the 80's). In fact, the
analogy is even more accurate today: you just have to replace Israel by
the US and Syria by Iran.
In any case, I blame Eccelstone for this thread.
Mr. Sylvestre