F1 Qualifying... run that past me again


F1 Qualifying... run that past me again

by Daru » Sat, 18 Mar 2006 23:29:11

Great to see that the thread has maintained its intended course!

F1 Qualifying... run that past me again

by mcewen » Sun, 19 Mar 2006 00:15:52

But I thought it was all about WMDs?

Too bad the appreciation for democracy wasn't discovered when the Shaw
(sp?) was in power


F1 Qualifying... run that past me again

by mcewen » Sun, 19 Mar 2006 00:24:00

For every one of those there's half a dozen like "Dancing with
Celibarties", "The Simple Life", or "Build or Bust".  I imagine it's
the same on the other side of the pond.

It costs less to put together a ***show that appeals to the masses
then it does a quality show that appeals to fewer...   lowest common
denomotaer marketing.


F1 Qualifying... run that past me again

by Keith » Sun, 19 Mar 2006 01:09:10

> Andrew once again grasps at a straw but pulls out shit.

> This isn't to be insulting, just an observation.  Europe has as a whole has
> lost its fn mind.  You have been LED like sheep to slaughter by your extreme
> LIBERAL moonbat media and policy makers yet somehow come to a conclusion the

<Snips out the puddle of drool and spittle...>

Didn't I see you in the supporting cast of "One Flew Over the Cuckoo's


F1 Qualifying... run that past me again

by Keith » Sun, 19 Mar 2006 01:56:51

> <makes room so that you can hop down off the soap box...>

Why thank you sir, I appreciated your good manners.

(Just tranquillized/anaesthetised by your own media and lifestyle.)

But as I have stated previously, it's not just ad-breaks that are the
problem. When the actual CONTENT of the programming and/or its format is
being manipulated, that raises questions of quality and impartiality.

Ok, sometimes I might get a bit TOO passionate about media manipulation
and such subjects, and it may damage my credibility a bit. But at least
I care. If we live in a democracy, how can we make decisions about how
to run our lives, and how to run our country, if we don't have an open,
impartial, well-rounded view of the world we live in? Most of the
population of the U.S. is beyond help in this regard. Your education
system is so poor, and your media companies have so much control over
your thought processes that you no longer have an objective point of
view. Example? When the French government democratically decided not to
join in with Bush and Blairs' illegal war, and tried to use civilised
diplomacy to help the situation in Iraq, the U.S. media (under advice
from the White House) immediately started an anti-French propaganda
campaign which has ended up with Americans refusing to eat "French
fries", burning the French flag, and spitting at French people walking
down the street. The media didn't use any humour in the campaign, and it
wasn't done as friendly "mickey-taking". It was orchestrated with anger,
vitriol and spite. That is media victimisation. In principle, it's
exactly what Hitler did to the Jews in the late 1930's. And you people,
just like the Germans in the 1930's, allowed yourselves to be
manipulated into it. Darus, why don't you just complete the job that
your government and media are doing on you, and change your name to THX1138?

Given the number of posts in this thread, there appear to be quite a few
people listening to the falling timber, and chopping down quite a few
trees of their own as well! :-)

(Cue quick chorus of "I'm a Lumberjack and I'm ok, ....")


F1 Qualifying... run that past me again

by Daru » Sun, 19 Mar 2006 05:25:06

Your sweeping generalizations (of me and <apparently> my fellow US
countrymen) are impressive...

1. (Just tranquillized/anaesthetised by your own media and
lifestyle.)...Have you ever met me? Don't judge me, you know nothing
about me.
2.  Most of the population of the U.S. is beyond help in this
3. Your education system is so poor ....Admittedly the education is the
US isn't top shelf, yet I still see plenty of places far worse off.
I'll take my chances (and BA degree) here.
4. ...and your media companies have so much control over your thought
processes that you no longer have an objective point of view...Again,
don't pretend to know how/what influences me on a daily basis. There is
no "objective" point of view...a person POV is ALWAYS skewed in some
way, if only when compared to ANOTHER POV that differs.
5. As for the poor country of France and their "persecution" at the
hands of the US media...GOOD. Screw'em all I say! My personal hatred of
the frogs started with the "no fly" zone incident when Libya was a
world threat and the US (again) was the driving force behind stopping
(another) international nutjob. I'm <sure> France had THAT situation
covered as well. If so many ppl. from all over the world didn't want to
see that lovely lady holding the torch in NY, I'll vote to take the
Statue of LIberty, load it on a USAF cargo plane, and drop in in
downtown Paris!

Now, anyone see the practice times for STR in Malaysia?


Andrew MacPhers

F1 Qualifying... run that past me again

by Andrew MacPhers » Sun, 19 Mar 2006 06:05:00

> Don't judge me, you know nothing
> about me.

Whether we like it or not, we are all victims of stereotyping via our
leadership & media and the public face it turns to the world. At the
moment George Bush, Pat Robertson, and Fox News is the public face of
the USA, which is a pretty difficult stereotype to live down, especially
after the second win.

No. Nice try though. :-)

Andrew "Chim-chimeny" McP


F1 Qualifying... run that past me again

by Larr » Sun, 19 Mar 2006 06:54:07

Is anyone else bored to death with that new show Howie Mandell is hosting?

It would be fun.  IF it moved along about 200% faster.  Jeez....

For me, my favorites are:

1.  24.  C'mon, you KNOW you love it ;)
2.  Lost.
3.  Sopranos.
4.  Deadwood (Brilliant show).
5.  CSI, when it's a good episode.
6.  Crossing Jordan.
7.  Tripping The Rift.



F1 Qualifying... run that past me again

by mcewen » Sun, 19 Mar 2006 07:41:10

The 30 second commercials he does for a pizza chain are almost as much
of him as I can stand.

A 1 hour game show?  I'd rather race in rascar.

Saw the first 30 minutes of season 1, I thought if any one of the 4
disasters were followed up it could be interesting but they went for
maximum overkill.
never seen it, it's on my list to pirate when it comes out on DVD
Got bord after season 2, still brillant though
head guy too preachy, they used a cattle trough and desk fan to
simulate wind and currents to find a body  WTF...!!??   Marg h, wow!
like it, wrong time of day
oh hum..


F1 Qualifying... run that past me again

by Elrik » Sun, 19 Mar 2006 15:48:08

All good, along with "NCIS", "House" and "Bones".


Jan Verschuere

F1 Qualifying... run that past me again

by Jan Verschuere » Sun, 19 Mar 2006 22:58:23

Ah... but before reality filtered back to the US, democracy was going to
restored by January last year and the barbarians were an oppressed people
who'd only be too happy to be liberated by the US army.

Certainly that was the impression I got from Mitch as he brushed aside my
misgivings with regard to the invasion and therefore I attempted to rub his
face in it a little.

So, apologies, I wasn't expecting anyone to attempt a reasonable response.
Seeing as this whole deal has gone far enough off topic already, I won't
enter into public exchange with you. Feel free to decipher my spamblock if
you're interested in an exchange of opinion.


Jan Verschuere

F1 Qualifying... run that past me again

by Jan Verschuere » Sun, 19 Mar 2006 23:07:12

Just for fun, the ones that have already aired over here.

Thriller for people who can't handle proper thrillers

Reality TV with a script and actors.

Quite good, indeed.

Patronising and moralising.


Dave Henri

F1 Qualifying... run that past me again

by Dave Henri » Sun, 19 Mar 2006 23:55:57

  Unfortunately,  the BEST American show on Television is no longer on TV.  
Firefly.  A cute cuddlely Sci-Fi/Western/Chinese/Comedy/Action show.  It's
not slapstick, but it's humour will sneak up on you in ***y tiny bits.

  There was a movie released last year that tied up some of the storyline.

   The ship's logo is on my TPTCC league car.

it's too late to save,  but this page may make a quick summary.


F1 Qualifying... run that past me again

by Mitc » Mon, 20 Mar 2006 03:44:16

In ohter words a troll, eh Jan...

To get a reasonable response perhaps you should include the truth, common
sense and occasionally a FACT or two that supports your argument.  You have
none of the above so I ignored your rambings as I do any liberal moonbat
scratching for existence with propaganda and bullshit.

Its kinda funny actually, I didnt start this thread yet I seem to be the
lighting rod.  I guess the truth hurts too much for your liberal


> So, apologies, I wasn't expecting anyone to attempt a reasonable response.

> Jan.
> =---

Bruce Kennewel

F1 Qualifying... run that past me again

by Bruce Kennewel » Mon, 20 Mar 2006 05:35:46

Very, very true.
And, right now, because of this very fact, tens of thousands of Britons
think that every Australian walks around saying "***y hell!" in every
sentence we utter to each other.


> Whether we like it or not, we are all victims of stereotyping via our
> leadership & media and the public face it turns to the world. is a usenet newsgroup formed in December, 1993. As this group was always unmoderated there may be some spam or off topic articles included. Some links do point back to as we could not validate the original address. Please report any pages that you believe warrant deletion from this archive (include the link in your email). is in no way responsible and does not endorse any of the content herein.