Sounds like you may be getting a lot of hard drive activity as the replay
buffer gets fuller. You have a lot of ram, so obviously it is probably
allocating a good bit of memory to the replay buffer. I believe you can
override this value and change it, you might want to play with that value
and see if you get better results - either up or down. Check out the readme
on adjusting the replay buffer.
Fwiw, I have the same setup as yourself, ( mb, chip, vid card), and get
simlar fps at the start of a race ( full field), but it does not degrade
over time except during accidents. It then comes back up though. I have 256
mb of ram.
Another thought - what about your windows swap file? Do you let windows
manage it? If so, might try setting to to a seperate partition, preferable
by itself. I have mine set to 2.5 times the amount of ram I have, and it
works very well.
Don Burnette
D Burnette in N4
Some people do nothing wrong.
The problem is, they do nothing.
And THAT is wrong.
> I'm running a 50% season and I've come across something odd. First things
> first:
> An eVGA Gforce2MX 32mb video card and windows ME with directx8a.
> I run OpenGL at 1024/768 and get around 38-40 fps at the start of a race
> Daytona. At the end of the race I am getting 17-20 fps. The race was all
> green and no wrecks so everyone's car was clean. I've noticed this at
> tracks too, the longer I race the lower the fps goes. Towards the end of
> races it starts to turn into a slideshow and really gets hard to race.
> this be video memory getting degraded over time? If so would drivers be
> culprit?
> Anyone else experience this?
> Vintook