> >Don't you guys think that I have the right to know what's going on with
> >the patch or any other issues related to this sim since I already bought
> >it?
> No.
> The fact that you know the patch is coming out is enough, and anything
> beyond that would only serve to spark off yet more counter-productive
> discussion and detract from the business of getting the patch done. If
> you spoke out at the time of release (and were polite, of course!)
> then your voice will have been heard and thoughts taken on board if
> possible. What's to say beyond that?
> Cheers!
> John
I've already purchased the sim so if a patch is being worked on why do I
have to wait until _OTHERS_ test this patch? Why can't eveyone who has
purchased the sim have a go at the patch and then voice their opinions
here for MS, TR and everyone else in the RAS? Isn't this infact what
MS/TR have already done once? Am I correct in assuming that most of the
so called beta-testers are the same people who tested the sim before
it's release?
Again, I feel this way based on the fact that I've already purchased the
sim. We should all have a chance to try it and discuss it. Sure this
will happen after the patch is released to the public but it just might
be too late by then. The leaste MS/TR can do for all the folks that
didn't give up on this sim is allow us (ALL OF US) to help make it
better. How this can be counter-productive I'll never know!
Sal V.
This article was posted from <A HREF="http://www.racesimcentral.net/;>Slurp Net</A>.