how should i be converting the tracks????


how should i be converting the tracks????

by pez » Mon, 27 Dec 1999 04:00:00

Im having difficulty (still) converting the 4 tracks from N2 to GPL.

I get a 'Failed to open c:\..\bwpic.pbf' about 70% of the way through the
conversion process every time on my computer.

I unzipped the n2>gpl program and all assoc. files into c:\unzipped\n2togpl

The directories are set as follows :  N2 = d:\nascar2 (which is my hd)
gpl = c:\sierra\gpl (which is my installed gpl directory)

All 4 tracks show in the program window.

Could the fact that i do not have an install of N2 and am accessing it
through the cdrom be a problem?

Im working with an AMD K6 200mhz, 32meg ram, 400meg hd(tiny) with only
30megs free space (enough to run gpl, but is it enough to convert the

can anybody explain this?

nobody else seems to have this problem, but ive never been able to get mr
noonans converters to work, my guess would be that they dont like the AMD
K6s (the old ones, without 3dnow).  The converters seem to work fine for
everybody else, and ive seen some of his work on a friends computer, it is
impressive, and i feel im missing out.

when i asked for somebody to send me a converted track i was pretty much
branded a pirate (cheers!).


just posted a 1.30.09 at monza in the lotus with my joystick (im quite happy
with that... :)  )


how should i be converting the tracks????

by pez » Mon, 27 Dec 1999 04:00:00

error in the above post,...

d:\nascar2 is my cdrom drive...


>Im having difficulty (still) converting the 4 tracks from N2 to GPL.

>I get a 'Failed to open c:\..\bwpic.pbf' about 70% of the way through the
>conversion process every time on my computer.

>I unzipped the n2>gpl program and all assoc. files into c:\unzipped\n2togpl

>The directories are set as follows :  N2 = d:\nascar2 (which is my hd)
>gpl = c:\sierra\gpl (which is my installed gpl directory)

>All 4 tracks show in the program window.

>Could the fact that i do not have an install of N2 and am accessing it
>through the cdrom be a problem?

>Im working with an AMD K6 200mhz, 32meg ram, 400meg hd(tiny) with only
>30megs free space (enough to run gpl, but is it enough to convert the

>can anybody explain this?

>nobody else seems to have this problem, but ive never been able to get mr
>noonans converters to work, my guess would be that they dont like the AMD
>K6s (the old ones, without 3dnow).  The converters seem to work fine for
>everybody else, and ive seen some of his work on a friends computer, it is
>impressive, and i feel im missing out.

>when i asked for somebody to send me a converted track i was pretty much
>branded a pirate (cheers!).


>just posted a 1.30.09 at monza in the lotus with my joystick (im quite
>with that... :)  )

Dan Belch

how should i be converting the tracks????

by Dan Belch » Mon, 27 Dec 1999 04:00:00

Make sure you have a full install of GPL.

Dan Belcher
Team Racing Unlimited

Kirk Lan

how should i be converting the tracks????

by Kirk Lan » Mon, 27 Dec 1999 04:00:00

I'm thinking it's running out of free space...with 30 MB free, your swapfile
probably swells occasionally (especially during stuff like converting) and
then it just plain runs out of room.  HD's aren't expensive - $125 will get
you 10 to 13 GB!!!

Kirk Lane

ICQ: 28171652
BRT #187

"Yeah you won't find me
I'm going MIA
Tonight I'm leaving
Going MIA
Getting lost in you again
Is better than being known"
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