No, it was not a F2 race, too bad it wasn't I may not have been lapped
3 times. Then to top it all off, the acelerator pedal spring broke and
stuck wide open on the front strait. The only thing I was doing was
making sure everyone got at least one wreck!
(Not going to do a F1 race at Zandy for a while!)
>>If I may . . . My PB at Spa is 3:26 and in looking at EldredP's lap I
>>can see some of the same mistakes that I also make. The main one being
>>not using the whole track!. My problem is that I can not force myself
>>to trust the image I am seeing, as in I turn in too early! What is the
>>best way to force yourself to use the whole track? I have this problem
>>at all the other tracks also. I tend to turn in way too early. Do I
>>need someone with a ruler next to me when I am racing to whack me when
>>I turn in early? I have noticed that some times I try to wait, and
>>find I waited too long. Then I am just mowing the grass, spinning on
>>my head, or who knows what.
>Same here. There's no 'in-between'. My normal turn-in doesn't use the whole
>track. If I *try* to turn later, then I use WAY too much...<g>
>>(They guy who still must apologize, again for Zandy last night! Yes it
>>was bad!)
>The F2 race? That was kinda fun, even if I *couldn't* keep it on the track...
>Tiger Stadium R.I.P. 1912-1999
>Own Grand Prix Legends? Goto
>Never argue with an idiot. He brings you down to his level, then beats you
>with experience...
>Remove SPAM-OFF to reply.
(All spelling errors are intentional and are there to show new
and improved ways of spelling old words. Grammatical errors are
due to too many English classes/teachers)