Whether they are representative is irrelevant, they are available. F355
Challenge is not representative of console racing games either. Unless Papy
start porting to X-Box, I doubt that quality of sim will be seen, apart from
maybe WSC if that makes it to the X-Box.
As for X-Box titles appearing on PC, obviously 'most' was an exaggeration,
but the PC and X-Box are extremely similar since the X-Box is using Windows,
DirectX 8.1 and a GF3. Joint releases would make economic sense, and ports
will be easier than ever. I think it's fairly likely that major X-Box
titles and anything that sells well will also be seen on the PC.
PC titles appearing on X-Box isn't necessarily as likely though. MS have
said the HDD in the X-Box is only to be used for config files and saves, and
that games shouldn't use more than 50MB. What's that going to mean for
loading times on the X-Box for a PC game that installs 1.5 GB like Diablo 2?
A fairly average PC game installs 600 MB now, loading that data from a CD
instead of a HDD isn't going to be much fun.
Anyway, that's not the point I was making. All I was saying is that if
you've already invested in and need a fast PC, unless you've got more money
than sense there doesn't seem to be any great reason to get an X-Box. I
bought a Dreamcast and some of the top games for it, and I never use it now.
The games have less depth when compared to the top PC titles.