I just got this game and when I fired her up the game would not recognize
my Sidewinder Pro joystick. I reinstalled the game, recalibrated in win95,
but still nothing.
Then someone suggested that I try deleting my Sidwinder Pro profile in
win95 and load another. I did that, loading a 3-axis, 4-button joystick
When I went back to F1RS the game now saw my joystick. I thought I'd try
to trick this little gem of a racing simulator by reloaded my sidewider
profile in win95. But the game is smarter than I had thought: it reverted
back to stubborness.
At the F1RS site for controller compatibility it does mention that the game
works with MS' Sidewinder Pro. If this be the case, then why doesn't mine
Any help is profoundly appreciated. :)