Drivers: WebMasters, Etc.
I have a proposal that maybe a few of us can work on.
There are lots of CHATTING techniques used on the INTERNET.
We can all go to, Mirc (SERVERAL), NASCARNET,
IVGA - CHAT, etc . etc. etc. But when we go there its
just a conversation with one group. Why Dont we try and
make a room at I would certainly be
willing to point the IVGA chat.. I all ready have at
TALKCITY. Whats neat is if 5 or 10 other people are
runnning there chats there as well you can open up
like 10 windows and you can see and participate in
all the CHATS at once.. Of Course since there are
about 2000 people there at night, We would have to
have a standard like on this group.. We could all
start with a common naming convention. That way when
we go there we can see all the other RACING SIM CHATs
in process. Maybe Michael Carver who proposed standard
for USENET could propose standard for CHAT groups at
TALKCITY.. Or some other place if you all know of one..
The IVGA is willing to support anything that will improve
and ELIMINATE MISINFORMATION.. Maybe we can get together
and talk about some of these issues..
Don Wilshe