>Not true. I have a PII-333 o/c 5x75=375, Voodoo II 8MB, 64MB, ABIT LX6
>on a well tuned system. With all details on and full field, the sim is basically
will have to wait 2-3 for hardware that can actually run GPL!
What graphics card(s) and graphics options? It never drops below 36 FPS?
If it does, how low does it go?
>> People deserve to know that your minimum requirements will run only the
>> menus.
>Hi Marc,
>I know where you're coming from, and I agree to a certain extent, but
>I can tell you that the game runs very smoothly (at max framerate with
>19 AI opponents) on my PII-300.
>So it's not a 450...and that's not your point. Maybe Papy should state
>a P2 as a "recommended" platform...I don't know where the bottom end
>is...anybody with a Socket 7 Pentium able to run full AI with 36 fps?
>Neil Yeatman
>Ajax, Ontario, CANADA
>> People deserve to know that your minimum requirements will run only the
>> menus.
>Hi Marc,
>I know where you're coming from, and I agree to a certain extent, but
>I can tell you that the game runs very smoothly (at max framerate with
>19 AI opponents) on my PII-300.
>So it's not a 450...and that's not your point. Maybe Papy should state
>a P2 as a "recommended" platform...
Wolfgang Preiss \ E-mail copies of replies to this posting are welcome.
- Eric
Still much more playable than GP2, which I still can't get to <100% CPU
load without turning most of the graphics off.
I also took Alison's advice and tried out the Coventry rather than the
Lotus. The improvement in handling was quite noticeable, though I was
slower than everyone else on the track :)
Michael Knepher
The bottom of the box does not tell anyone what is required to race as
opposed to drive in training mode. Everyone assumes that graphics options
will affect framerate and will need to be adjusted accordingly. They may
not be aware how little effect that has in GPL. I can set my graphics to
look worse than ICR2 and it's the still the Ai that kills the framerate.
Astonishingly, Steve Smith is bluntly honest about this and many other
aspects of the game in the included Strategy Guide (I just got my official
copy of the game today, so I had not yet seen this). All I am saying, and I
won't keep repeating it, is that a precis of his hardware requirements
should be on the outside of the box--where people can see it before they buy
(usually unreturnable software).
GPL is a racing game (although it also great as a hot lapper) and presumably
people are buying it to race. You are advertising and promoting it as a
racing game. A third category called hardware required to run a full field
race should be added to the minimum and preferred requirements. Equally
important is an explanation of what the "minimum" requirements will get
someone. I think you know it is a lot more minimum than any typical
consumer/purchaser would expect, if you want to be honest about this. No
aspect of the game other than the menus would be recognisable (see box
cover, as you pointed out) on a minimum system (unless you wanted 3-5 fps).
Obviously I am big fan, have been eagerly awaiting this game, and have just
purchased it. But I would buy it anyway because I am a nut. However, if
you relied on people like me to keep you afloat, this game wouldn't have
ever seen the light of day. GPL is a tough enough sell in a day and age
where the playstation mentality seems to rule. Don't offend and mislead Joe
and Jane Average or, to use a Steve Smith phrase, "they will come back and
bite you."
>- Eric
>>Actually, they do. On Papyrus' website, the specs for the recommended
>>system include a PII-266.
> You are right that wasn't my point, but just for comparison what set-up are
> you using?
> What graphics card(s) and graphics options? It never drops below 36 FPS?
> If it does, how low does it go?
4 meg Rendition V2200 AGP
12 meg Voodoo2
I get slightly different results with the two rendering engines.
The V2200 is very nearly locked at 35-36 fps. No major slowdows at all
at 640x480. Pit lane and start/finish hardly cause a hiccup. 800x600
gives me a lower framerate, and I don't like it. I keep anti-aliasing off because it does wacky things to distant objects. There is also a
graininess to the overall image - the tracks often appear to be made
of gravel. No idea whether this would be better with an 8 meg card.
The Pure 3D II gives me slightly higher peak fps...36-37 whether at
640x480 or 800x600...so I run at 800 all the time. Image quality is
IMHO better than the V2200 (no graininess), but that's also due to
the higher resolution I can run. FPS drops to about 28 when running in
traffic, and I've seen (very briefly) it go as low as 22-24 through the
I seem to get faster laptimes with the Voodoo2 - no explanation, as
framerates are pretty much the same...I suppose I can "see" better
at 800x600...but the car seems to "feel" better with the Voodoo2.
Neil Yeatman
Ajax, Ontario, CANADA
>>Since it's the additional AI cars and not graphics options that cause
>>the slow down your system I think you've answered your own question...
>>- Eric
>>>Is GPL's AI engine and physics engine so advanced, that it takes so
>>>much processing power to run it?
>> You are right that wasn't my point, but just for comparison what set-up
>> you using?
>> What graphics card(s) and graphics options? It never drops below 36 FPS?
>> If it does, how low does it go?
>Well, for the real specs:
> 4 meg Rendition V2200 AGP
>12 meg Voodoo2
>I get slightly different results with the two rendering engines.
>The V2200 is very nearly locked at 35-36 fps. No major slowdows at all
>at 640x480. Pit lane and start/finish hardly cause a hiccup. 800x600
>gives me a lower framerate, and I don't like it. I keep anti-aliasing off
>Astonishingly, Steve Smith is bluntly honest about this and many other
>aspects of the game in the included Strategy Guide (I just got my official
>copy of the game today, so I had not yet seen this). All I am saying, and I
>won't keep repeating it, is that a precis of his hardware requirements
>should be on the outside of the box--where people can see it before they buy
>(usually unreturnable software).
However, good software stores in the US do allow returns. (Friends
don't let friends shop at Best Buy.) And Sierra does have a 30-day
direct return policy in the US.
90% of computer games are utter crap. Buy only after seeing
favorable end-user reviews and/or playing a demo. Even then, buy
only where you can return the game if it doesn't work. Semantics
as to the distinction between what "minimum" and "recommended"
requirements give you in an incredibly great product like GPL are
a pretty minor problem, in an industry where outright fraud
(features listed on the box but not in the product, rebates that
are never honored) is rampant.
spamgard(tm): To email me, put "geek" in your Subject line.
Neil Yeatman
Ajax, Ontario, CANADA
> > Well, for the real specs:
> > 4 meg Rendition V2200 AGP
> > 12 meg Voodoo2
> > I get slightly different results with the two rendering engines.
> This is almost my spec identically, I'm still waiting for the release here in
> the UK.
> Is the performance you quote in race conditions or training mode ?
That was with a full field of 19 opponents. I shouldn't have left
that part out.. :)
Neil Yeatman
Ajax, Ontario, CANADA
>>Astonishingly, Steve Smith is bluntly honest about this and many other
>>aspects of the game in the included Strategy Guide (I just got my official
>>copy of the game today, so I had not yet seen this). All I am saying, and
>>won't keep repeating it, is that a precis of his hardware requirements
>>should be on the outside of the box--where people can see it before they
>>(usually unreturnable software).
>I agree completely that companies need to be honest about hardware
>requirements. And that Steve Smith did a better job than Sierra's
>box at defining what GPL needs.
>However, good software stores in the US do allow returns. (Friends
>don't let friends shop at Best Buy.) And Sierra does have a 30-day
>direct return policy in the US.
>90% of computer games are utter crap. Buy only after seeing
>favorable end-user reviews and/or playing a demo. Even then, buy
>only where you can return the game if it doesn't work. Semantics
>as to the distinction between what "minimum" and "recommended"
>requirements give you in an incredibly great product like GPL are
>a pretty minor problem, in an industry where outright fraud
>(features listed on the box but not in the product, rebates that
>are never honored) is rampant.
>spamgard(tm): To email me, put "geek" in your Subject line.
At what resolution? I never see it drop below 19 (except for major
accidents) at any resolution 800 or below (this is with a full field and
4 sounds, cars only in the mirrors) on my PII 300 with Voodoo2.
**************************** Michael E. Carver *************************
Upside out, or inside down...False alarm the only game in town.
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