- Eric
>- Eric
>>How much fun can it be when you can't race the AI cars? I exceed the
>>minimum requirements to run the game.....or are those requirements (P166,
>>etc.) just for navigating the menu system?
>>How much fun can it be to race at 10 fps?
>Another way to look at it is, are you READY to actually race the field?
>For me, I have a LOT of hotlapping to do before I am even close...
>Try this. Set the field to 5 and race them. If they run off and hide
>from you, then you also need some hot laps... :)
>>>Since it's the additional AI cars and not graphics options that cause
>>>the slow down your system I think you've answered your own question...
>>>- Eric
>* rrevved at some ISP which calls itself mindspring dot com
Buy an Abit BH6 motherboard and a Celeron 300A CPU. (this has 128k of
of onboard secondary cache). Turn the buss speed up to 100 and you
will have a high performing 450 mhz cpu at a fraction of the cost.
I'd say your voodoo2 is sitting there with nothing to do right now.
You don't have the cpu power to drive the card.
I will post some benchmarks as I have both a thriller 3d and an SLI
voodoo 2 setup. I have only run the Rendition graphics so far and I
see 36 fps during practice with absolutely everything turned on at
800x600. Haven't run a race yet
You would at
>>I'm also pricing around for a new BX motherboard and P2 chip.
>Buy an Abit BH6 motherboard and a Celeron 300A CPU. (this has 128k of
>of onboard secondary cache). Turn the buss speed up to 100 and you
>will have a high performing 450 mhz cpu at a fraction of the cost.
>I'd say your voodoo2 is sitting there with nothing to do right now.
>You don't have the cpu power to drive the card.
>I will post some benchmarks as I have both a thriller 3d and an SLI
>voodoo 2 setup. I have only run the Rendition graphics so far and I
>see 36 fps during practice with absolutely everything turned on at
>800x600. Haven't run a race yet
>You would at
>>least think you could run HALF-field races with all graphics OFF on a P200
>>with a Voodoo2 card. Guess not. Oh well.
- Eric
>- Eric
>>I was actually looking at the Abit BX6. I need the 3rd ISA slot (ACM
>>card, SB AWE64, and network card for cable modem). The BH6 only has 2
>>slots. I was thinking along the same lines with the Celeron 300a
>>Would this be a good time to resume that thread about 'previewing'
>>via warez?
>>>not too bad running at about 18 fps. But if I even try to pass someone,
>>>vice-versa, it drops to around 10 or so
> >Is GPL's AI engine and physics engine so
> >advanced, that it takes so much processing power to run it?
> Yep.
> --
> * rrevved at some ISP which calls itself mindspring dot com
>>not too bad running at about 18 fps. But if I even try to pass someone,
>>vice-versa, it drops to around 10 or so
>>What good is it to have super AI, when you can not race against any of
>>I have a PII 333 OC to 375, voodoo2 and It still drop way down to less than
>>10 FPS with full field. What type of computer did they make this game on.
>>It must be something we can't get or else they knew the FPS sucked and
>>released it anyway.
>>>Would this be a good time to resume that thread about 'previewing'
>>>via warez?
>>>>not too bad running at about 18 fps. But if I even try to pass someone,
>>>>vice-versa, it drops to around 10 or so