This performance is considerably worse than I get with my AMD K6-200,
which I run overclocked to 75x3=225. L2 cache is critical for running
GPL on machines in this speed range. Have you checked to see if you
have any? You've got to have at least 256k of L2 cache to get good
performance with GPL (except on Celerons) and 512k is much better.
Also, the terrific fill rate of your Voodoo 2 is wasted on a machine
running at 200 mhz. Aside from the fill rate, the Voodoo architecture
is not very efficient, and a Voodoo card places higher demands on CPU
power than a Rendition card. Short of upgrading your CPU (and
motherboard, if you haven't got any L2 cache), the most cost-effective
hardware upgrade you can make is to purchase an 8 mb Hercules Thriller,
which currently are available for under $140.
If you can't afford the $300-400 that it would take to upgrade to a
Celeron and Slot 1 motherboard, you might look into a faster processor,
such as an AMD K6-2-300, or a Pentium 266, or even a 233, which are
quite inexpensive these days. Also, some motherboards allow
overclocking the bus, which increases the speed at which the critical L2
cache runs.
My K6-225 with 8 mb Herc Thriller gets 36 fps when running with 5 to 8
AI cars and about half of GPL's graphics turned on, and 36 fps when
running solo with most graphics turned on, both at 640x480. I find this
quite acceptable.
I have a P2-350 with 8 mb Hercules Thriller. I run at 800x600 with all
graphics detail turned on and a full field of 19 AI cars. I get a solid
36 fps all the time, except when I come into a full pit lane, or at the
start of a race. Worst case in that event is frame rate in the mid to
high 20's.
Yes, I can, and do so all the time. See above.
Yes. F1RS is a very nice sim, but its physics are far, far less
sophisticated than those of GPL. Once I spent a few hours in GPL, all
other sims began to seem like toys to me, even F1RS. Now, someone has
to twist my arm to get me to race in F1RS for even a little while.
GPL is modeling the behavior of so many components of the car, in such
meticulous detail, with such extreme precision, that it takes far, far
more CPU power than any previous sim.
However, the end result is incredible. On a machine capable of running
it properly, GPL produces vehicle behavior of uncanny realism. If you
are into racing sims, believe me, it's worth the relatively small
investment to put together the hardware you need to run GPL well.
For more details about hardware and GPL, see the hardware FAQ on my new
GPL web site:
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