What in the HELL?

Byron Forbe

What in the HELL?

by Byron Forbe » Fri, 02 Oct 1998 04:00:00

You running with all graphics enabled?

> What good is it to have super AI, when you can not race against any of them.
> I have a PII 333 OC to 375, voodoo2 and It still drop way down to less than
> 10 FPS with full field.  What type of computer did they make this game on.
> It must be something we can't get or else they knew the FPS sucked and
> released it anyway.

> >Would this be a good time to resume that thread about 'previewing'
> >via warez?

> >rob.

> ><snip>
> >>not too bad running at about 18 fps.  But if I even try to pass someone,
> or
> >>vice-versa, it drops to around 10 or so

 Byron Forbes
 Captain of Team Lightning Bolt


Ronald Stoeh

What in the HELL?

by Ronald Stoeh » Fri, 02 Oct 1998 04:00:00

> Eric already posted that an hour ago.

You obviously have no idea how Usenet works, do you? ;^)


> >Yep.

Toys'R'Us '99: "So, would you like a hand gun with that action figure,

          |\      _,,,---,,_        I want to die like my Grandfather,
   ZZZzz /,`.-'`'    -.  ;-;;,_              in his sleep.
        |,4-  ) )-,_. ,\ (  `'-'     Not like the people in his car,
       '---''(_/--'  `-'\_)            screaming their heads off!

Chris Manes

What in the HELL?

by Chris Manes » Fri, 02 Oct 1998 04:00:00

Yes I am running with all the graphics on but changing the graphics options
really have very little effect.  I have a rendition card also (Stealth S220)
but FPS seem better on Voodoo2.

>You running with all graphics enabled?

>> What good is it to have super AI, when you can not race against any of
>> I have a PII 333 OC to 375, voodoo2 and It still drop way down to less
>> 10 FPS with full field.  What type of computer did they make this game
>> It must be something we can't get or else they knew the FPS sucked and
>> released it anyway.

>> >Would this be a good time to resume that thread about 'previewing'
>> >via warez?

>> >rob.

>> ><snip>
>> >>not too bad running at about 18 fps.  But if I even try to pass
>> or
>> >>vice-versa, it drops to around 10 or so

> Byron Forbes
> Captain of Team Lightning Bolt


>    and


Alison Hi

What in the HELL?

by Alison Hi » Fri, 02 Oct 1998 04:00:00

This performance is considerably worse than I get with my AMD K6-200,
which I run overclocked to 75x3=225.  L2 cache is critical for running
GPL on machines in this speed range.  Have you checked to see if you
have any?  You've got to have at least 256k of L2 cache to get good
performance with GPL (except on Celerons) and 512k is much better.

Also, the terrific fill rate of your Voodoo 2 is wasted on a machine
running at 200 mhz.  Aside from the fill rate, the Voodoo architecture
is not very efficient, and a Voodoo card places higher demands on CPU
power than a Rendition card.  Short of upgrading your CPU (and
motherboard, if you haven't got any L2 cache), the most cost-effective
hardware upgrade you can make is to purchase an 8 mb Hercules Thriller,
which currently are available for under $140.

If you can't afford the $300-400 that it would take to upgrade to a
Celeron and Slot 1 motherboard, you might look into a faster processor,
such as an AMD K6-2-300, or a Pentium 266, or even a 233, which are
quite inexpensive these days.  Also, some motherboards allow
overclocking the bus, which increases the speed at which the critical L2
cache runs.

My K6-225 with 8 mb Herc Thriller gets 36 fps when running with 5 to 8
AI cars and about half of GPL's graphics turned on, and 36 fps when
running solo with most graphics turned on, both at 640x480.  I find this
quite acceptable.

I have a P2-350 with 8 mb Hercules Thriller.  I run at 800x600 with all
graphics detail turned on and a full field of 19 AI cars.  I get a solid
36 fps all the time, except when I come into a full pit lane, or at the
start of a race.  Worst case in that event is frame rate in the mid to
high 20's.

Yes, I can, and do so all the time.  See above.

Yes.  F1RS is a very nice sim, but its physics are far, far less
sophisticated than those of GPL.  Once I spent a few hours in GPL, all
other sims began to seem like toys to me, even F1RS.  Now, someone has
to twist my arm to get me to race in F1RS for even a little while.

GPL is modeling the behavior of so many components of the car, in such
meticulous detail, with such extreme precision, that it takes far, far
more CPU power than any previous sim.  

However, the end result is incredible.  On a machine capable of running
it properly, GPL produces vehicle behavior of uncanny realism.  If you
are into racing sims, believe me, it's worth the relatively small
investment to put together the hardware you need to run GPL well.

For more details about hardware and GPL, see the hardware FAQ on my new
GPL web site:


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What in the HELL?

by ymenar » Fri, 02 Oct 1998 04:00:00

>Damn, really?  Does Papy seriously think that we can have fun racing
>5 AI opponents for an hour?  I mean, do they really think that?

Do _YOU_ really think you can handle the hardware for it ?

Geeze, it's soo funny.. People are like "The game doesn't run fast on my PC
! Oh the humanity !"

Welcome to the *** world. Upgrade or they won't wait for you. It's the
reality. It's not cheap to play games over a PC. We should all know that
(Just spent over 500$ in 1 month for it, quite an expensive hobby !).

Anyone remembers Gp2 here ?? It took 3years and it's EVEN not able to run
full graphics + everything in SVGA at Monaco with 25fps everywhere (probably
even not on PII 450 at the back of the grid using the side-car camera).

Anyone remembers how PC hog Nascar Racing 1 was on your 486 ?? That those
SVGA graphics really slowed it down when you used the grass/asphalt texture

I mean... <g> it's not like it's a new thing.  It's the whole demand/offer
economy. People want more realistic racing physics engines, but the
hardware/software can't catch up for that.

- Fran?ois Mnard <ymenard> Good race at the Brickyard!
- Official Mentally retarded guy of r.a.s.
- Excuse me for my English (I'm French speaking)
- Sponsored by
- "People think it must be fun to be a super genius, but they don't realise
how hard it is to put up with all the idiots in the world."--

Ford Prefe

What in the HELL?

by Ford Prefe » Fri, 02 Oct 1998 04:00:00

The date:  Thu, 01 Oct 1998 05:42:08 GMT;

The message.....

>>Would this be a good time to resume that thread about 'previewing'
>>via warez?

>Interesting point, considering that the warez version actually played
>so much smoother than even the final beta or the legitimate demo did.
>I'm off to buy the game tomorrow.  Warez actually got Sierra a sale,
>since the performance of the demo on my machine would never have
>convinced me to buy the sim.

I think I'll save this post to disk then bring it out every time
someone dumbs a pre-alpha release of any other product.
Marc Collin

What in the HELL?

by Marc Collin » Fri, 02 Oct 1998 04:00:00

I am a huge GPL fan.  You couldn't have designed a game that better suits
what I would like to see in a racing sim.  I have no problem with hardware
requirements advancing over time--especially when the result is better sim.
accuracy like we have with GPL.


People deserve to know that your minimum requirements will run only the

People deserve to know that so long as they have a great 3dfx or Rendition
card, running with full or almost full graphics options results in a very
minimal frame rate hit.

People deserve to know that to play the game as it is intended, advertised
and described on the box (i.e., racing), you need a P2-450 or equivalent CPU
to process the AI.  I am disappointed that the requirement is so high, but
we have seen this before with "latest" games.  I am absolutely outraged that
Papyrus has sunk to the level of many of your bald-faced lying software
producing colleagues.  I expected more and I guess we can both decide
whether that was delusional on my part.


>Since it's the additional AI cars and not graphics options that cause
>the slow down your system I think you've answered your own question...

>- Eric

>>Is GPL's AI engine and physics engine so advanced, that it takes so
>>much processing power to run it?


What in the HELL?

by Jo » Fri, 02 Oct 1998 04:00:00

>Welcome to the *** world. Upgrade or they won't wait for you.

Are you dense or what? (Don't bother answering that, rhetorical

The guy complaining about 10 fps has a "PII 333 OC to 375, voodoo2".
If he's getting 10 fpf on that kind of powerhouse it really is a joke,
no one will be able to run this game.


Ford Prefe

What in the HELL?

by Ford Prefe » Fri, 02 Oct 1998 04:00:00

The date:  Thu, 01 Oct 1998 19:41:00 GMT;

The message.....

>>Welcome to the *** world. Upgrade or they won't wait for you.

>Are you dense or what? (Don't bother answering that, rhetorical

>The guy complaining about 10 fps has a "PII 333 OC to 375, voodoo2".
>If he's getting 10 fpf on that kind of powerhouse it really is a joke,
>no one will be able to run this game.


If that is the case he probably built the system board himself! :o)

What in the HELL?

by Michae » Fri, 02 Oct 1998 04:00:00

I have a  p2 333 OC 400 100 ON A ABIT BX 6. 128 mg ram

except some of the mirror stuff. I am seeing around 35 most of the
time slows to around 24 with alot of other cars.

I think the 100 mhz fs bus must help.



>On Thu, 01 Oct 1998 20:15:29 GMT,

>>The date:  Thu, 01 Oct 1998 19:41:00 GMT;

>>The message.....

>>>>Welcome to the *** world. Upgrade or they won't wait for you.

>>>Are you dense or what? (Don't bother answering that, rhetorical

>>>The guy complaining about 10 fps has a "PII 333 OC to 375, voodoo2".
>>>If he's getting 10 fpf on that kind of powerhouse it really is a joke,
>>>no one will be able to run this game.


>>If that is the case he probably built the system board himself! :o)

>Not true. I have a PII-333 o/c 5x75=375, Voodoo II 8MB, 64MB, ABIT LX6
>on a well tuned system. With all details on and full field, the sim is

>I would suspect that 10fps would be the case if more than 2 or 3 cars were
>in view while running a full field race.

>I don't run full field races.

>* rrevved at some ISP which calls itself mindspring dot com *


What in the HELL?

by And » Fri, 02 Oct 1998 04:00:00

>I have a  p2 333 OC 400 100 ON A ABIT BX 6. 128 mg ram

>except some of the mirror stuff. I am seeing around 35 most of the
>time slows to around 24 with alot of other cars.

>I think the 100 mhz fs bus must help.

I don't think the 100 mhz bus is helping, (although it can't hurt)
since I don't have one, and get about the same fps as you do. :-)  I'm
running a P2-333 (not OC) with 128 mb ram, and a single V2 card.  I
average 33 fps probably 95% of the time.  I also turned off some of
the mirror details as well.  Granted I only have about 2hrs maybe a
bit more into the game, so I might find a low spot along the way.


Jerry Moreloc

What in the HELL?

by Jerry Moreloc » Fri, 02 Oct 1998 04:00:00

rrevved, I've been following this frame-rate thread and thought I'd throw in
my two.  I cranked up a short intermediate race at Monaco just to see what
transpired.  Grand Prix model, realistic damage, full (and I mean full!)
detail at 800x600 on an 8meg Monster2, Dell R400 w/128 megs, 19 AI cars.
The rate dropped to 11-12fps at the start, during which time there was a
brief backup of the field.  Rate climbed to the low 20s after about 3-6
seconds and stayed there until the field untangled, at which point the rate
climbed to the high 20s and up.  There it stayed for the 5 laps I ran (maybe
because most of the field was waaayy out of sight <g>), until I blew up.  I
did experience momentary drops in rate while being lapped, but nothing below
about 25fps, and nothing that was really very noticeable. (Actually stayed
in the low 30's most of the time no other cars were in sight, and sometimes
even if 2-3 were.)  GPL keeps the rate high enough on my rig for me to be
able to say that it has the best feel by far of any racing sim I've ever
experienced, including Ubi's F1RS--and that's saying a lot, especially since
I don't have to sacrifice any of the "goodies".  Looks like Sierra's become
a player again.  Great job.

Jerry Morelock

Jerry Moreloc

What in the HELL?

by Jerry Moreloc » Fri, 02 Oct 1998 04:00:00

Not really.  While a full field and full detail pulls down my Dell R400 and
Monster2 8meg down briefly at the start of Monaco at 800x600, it's quite
playable--not anything like GP2, which I've tried on this same rig, BTW.
Unlike several in this group, I thought GP2 sucked on the p133 outfit I had
when I bought it due to it's wildly fluctuating frame rates---and it still
sucks on this rig.  GPL "feels" right, but without a top end machine I'd say
one would have to sacrifice so much in the way of details to attain fluidity
of motion that it's  "feel" would probably then be lost.  Simply, GPL on a
machine able to run it is the best driving sim I've ever experienced.

Jerry Morelock


>Ouch! It's starting to sound like GP2 when it was released - everyone
>will have to wait 2-3 for hardware that can actually run GPL!



What in the HELL?

by rob » Fri, 02 Oct 1998 04:00:00


Man I love this whole 300A deal.  It's just wierd!

BTW, did you also get some RAM?  Of course you did :)


Neil Yeatma

What in the HELL?

by Neil Yeatma » Fri, 02 Oct 1998 04:00:00


> People deserve to know that your minimum requirements will run only the
> menus.

Hi Marc,

I know where you're coming from, and I agree to a certain extent, but
I can tell you that the game runs very smoothly (at max framerate with
19 AI opponents) on my PII-300.  

So it's not a 450...and that's not your point.  Maybe Papy should state
a P2 as a "recommended" platform...I don't know where the bottom end
is...anybody with a Socket 7 Pentium able to run full AI with 36 fps?


Neil Yeatman          
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