Heard a lot of people dogging Mad Catz steering wheel on Ten, and I thought I'd
post a message with my input on the matter.
I use a Mad Catz, and with one exception, I think it's a piece of crap. After
my first 20 hours or so of use, the retaining "springs" inside snapped. The
wheel no longer returned to a center position, and constantly pulled to one
side. I opened the wheel up to see if I could fix it, and to my surprise,
found out the "springs" were actually elastic material (kinda like the
waistband on a pair of jockeys). Needless to say, these things wear out and
This by itself would lead me not to recommend it to a friend (but possibly to a
rival <g>). However, I found a fix, and I actually like the feel of the wheel
much better than when I bought it.
I replaced the loops of elastic material with loops of *** cut from a
bicycle inner tube. Works great. So far, I have 200+ hours on the "***
bands", and had no problems yet. And, if they DO wear out, I have a HUGE supply
of replacement parts <g>.
In short... DON'T buy a Mad Catz, but if you did already, and want to try
something to improve it's performance, here's something you may want to try.
Go Low!! Go Low!!