: I am not able to run a championship season now since I added on the new 7
: track package. I get an "out of memory" error.
: Anyone else have this problem?
: How much memory do I need?
: I have 4 megs of memory on a 386.
: Also, for anyone thinking of getting these tracks, one of the seven
: requires 8 megs of memory to run, so you may not actually be getting 7
: tracks if you have less memory....
: -Jeff
You answered your own question. When choosing the championship season,
ICR scans the tracks available and then the available memory. If you don
not have enough mem to load one of the tracks, it won't work. You can
solve this by adding more memory, or editing the race file and deleting
ELKHART track from the list. This way, it won't include it in the
championship season and you'll be all right.
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