If you got a p3 more than 600 you GOT to get the patch 7 Mo otherwise it
won't work...
say thank you to those bastards at creative labs....
Ever heard of the guillemot maxi sound fortissimo ?
2 stereo outputs (Front and rear) digital in and out (SPDIF) yamaha
something synthetiser...all for under $50.00 works GREAT with GPL
> Ed, I started with 1.0, then upgraded to 2.0. The only difference that
> made was that some games suddenly had problems. Installing 3.0 fixed
> these bugs. I'm sure there's a lot of new options with 3.0, but I
> still didn't find them.
> Oh, and don't install that Lava player! Since I did that I had some
> weird hangs on my pc. Never realized that it was because of the Lava
> player, until someone posted a message about it here. Uninstalling
> Lava solved all the problems.
> Andre
> On Thu, 16 Mar 2000 17:58:59 GMT, "Ed Solheim"
> >Hoi!
> >Just got my SB live card today and I'm looking at upgradeing the drivers
> >etc.
> >Now before i embark on that huge Live!Ware download....
> >Is it worth it? - the dwonload time i mean..
> >Also, where I [PEEEEEEPP] can one find out what version of LiveWare one
> >got??
> >I've been looking all over the place, but still no luck..
> >Please help.