database searches in May. Amazing how stable the amount of visits you
all do to the track database is. 1.700 to 2.000 searches a day and 800
to 1.000 click-troughs to track download pages on the net every day,
week in week out! People actually go to download between 25.000 to
30.000 tracks a month after being at the Track Database!!!!! Something
for you track creators to cheer about!! And the good thing is it's to
all kinds of tracks every day, not at all the mainstream addons or the
latest releases, the GPL community is a curious bunch of people!!
Anyway, there IS a jubilee coming up very very soon!!! You all know
you can go to the track database and give your ratings on how fun a
track is to drive, how graphically stunning it is and your rating on a
general must-have scale. This is extremely helpful for people browsing
around for tracks not knowing where to begin, seeing all these great
280+ tracks! So, first a BIG thank you to all of you who regularly
come by and add ratings on the latest tracks you've tried out! It's a
big help!!! Secondly, we are getting VERY close to having 10.000
ratings in the database!! The more the better value of the ratings of
course!!! So a BIG HUGE THANK YOU!!! And keep 'em ratings coming ;-)
/Magnus Thom
- - - - GPL Track Database - - - - - - -