For the PC it's pretty lame, but for the PS2, it's a great game!
Realtime weather effects, and interactive pit stops, choose type of tire,
downforce, fuel load, etc, ok graphics, nothing special, but excellent
control (using the PS2 gamepad).
> What's with this steering response problem with ported games anyways???
> I'm wondering if developers, after spending a decent amount of time
> it like mad to make it driveable and psuedo realistic while using a little
> analog stick on a joypad, if they just directly map that stick's axis to a
> steering wheel's movement and call it a day?
> You'd think that one of the more important parts of porting a game to a
> console is to port the controls properly.. re configuring whatever weird
> response curvers were tailored to a little stick to feel right with a
> wheel...
> Pro race driver, i'm looking at you...
> Mike
> > > $10 at my local EB, new. And that's Cdn $!!
> > > Still not sure if it's worth that much given what I remember of the
> > reaction
> > > here. Any honest/thorough reviews of it out there on the Web?
> > Unless there is a patch available somewhere the steering response is
> > pathetic (to say the least).
> > --
> > callsignviper
> > The truth is out there. You just have to look in the right places and
> > the right questions.