connected to either USB or the serial port it stops network play in
Toca2. You can create a new network game, but my computer thinks that
noone has joined the game even though they can see messages that I
type in. If someone else created the game then I can see them to join
them, but as soon as I've selected them, my computer hangs on waiting
for host data.
The wheel is fine in single player mode, its only network play thats a
Take the wheel out and everything is fine and working again. I've seen
someone post something to do with a Microsoft wheel having similar
problems, but there was never a solution.
In that instance there was some memory conflict (but device manager
shows everything as fine in mine).
I'm using latest drivers for the wheel, and the up to date patch for
Toca 2.
Has anyone got a really old version of the driver file? could that
cure it?
Suggestions please