ICR Reality check re:Elkhart

Brian Wong - SMCC Product Marketing Engineeri

ICR Reality check re:Elkhart

by Brian Wong - SMCC Product Marketing Engineeri » Thu, 22 Sep 1994 02:45:42

I think we're all overestimating Papyrus's ability to execute on large projects.
They're a relatively small company.  Give 'em a break!


Brian Wong                              Product Marketing Engineering

415-336-0082                            Palo Alto, CA 94303

Brian Wong - SMCC Product Marketing Engineeri

ICR Reality check re:Elkhart

by Brian Wong - SMCC Product Marketing Engineeri » Thu, 22 Sep 1994 02:47:39

When you're stuck on an airplane for 13 hours, you don't give up as quickly :-)

And I only got ONE lap at Laguna Seca under 1:25 or so...


Brian Wong                              Product Marketing Engineering

415-336-0082                            Palo Alto, CA 94303

Eric Jacobs

ICR Reality check re:Elkhart

by Eric Jacobs » Thu, 22 Sep 1994 04:50:44

Baloney! We paid for a product that has warts, and we have a right (a
responsibility, in my opinion), to complain until it gets fixed. History has
proven over and over that if you don't, it won't.

If Papyrus continues to ignore the bug reports, complaints, etc., they'll
suffer for it. If F1GP listens to complaints about ICR *or* GP and respond to
them, they'll wind up with a better product and more business.

Since I am personally more interested in Indy cars than F1, I'm gonna gripe
and whine about ICR until it gets fixed. :)


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 My employer snickers heartily at my opinions.

William Turn

ICR Reality check re:Elkhart

by William Turn » Thu, 22 Sep 1994 17:34:09

>  tab, q - change down/up
>  a,s    - brake/accelerate
>  j,k    - left/right
>(what classic driving game are these keys based on?)

Revs! Oh yessiree! Can't wait for a BBC emulator (shouldn't be too
distant...) so I can belt round Snetterton again (my fave track).
Hmm, I wonder if they've got any Beebs spare around here :-)

BTW: Revs used L, + for left-right, and space to amplify the movement

       |\      _,,,---,,_                 Software Engineer,
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Henrikki T H{kk{n

ICR Reality check re:Elkhart

by Henrikki T H{kk{n » Thu, 22 Sep 1994 17:22:37

>I recall experimenting with using i and o for left and right, but this
>left me in the wall just after the right hand kink after turn 1 at
>Portland.  Having lots of keys going up and down simultaneously on pcs
>is always a problem. There are probably rules as to what combinations
>down work.. I'm still paranoid that my braking suffers on turn-in...

>Perhaps the fastest lap posting should have a section for key-users..


I've been thinking about making 3 sections to the Fast Lap list:
Steering wheel/yoke, joystick and keyboard.

What do you all think?? I'd be happy to do it if I get enough responses
from you.
Henrikki T. Hakkanen              DISCLAIMER: In no event shall I be liable

Voice: +358-0-345 5538            my opinions, even if I have been advised of
Fax:   don't have one             the possibility of such damages.

D.T. Michaelid

ICR Reality check re:Elkhart

by D.T. Michaelid » Fri, 23 Sep 1994 19:04:56

IMO its taken 10 years for Revs to be bettered.. and a heck of alot
more ram and processing power..

yes, but key next to l is used already..(or was it coz i kept fiddling
with my brake bias with my little finger, accidentally?). I remembed
about the space key last night.. I'd like to see something like it in
Indycar2.  Also on Revs you could turn and then hold both turn keys
down to hold the steering wheel in that position, very useful.


Dave Gym

ICR Reality check re:Elkhart

by Dave Gym » Sat, 24 Sep 1994 18:11:27

[I'm aware that my last post showed up several times; I'm stuck using
mail-to-news gateways and posting to alt.test didn't accurately
represent the posting delays.  Sorry about that.]

I've collected a few little improvements to ICR that people would
like.  Some of them overlap with the posted list.

* Save game part-way through race.

* Suggested gear/ideal line like F1GP for learning.

* Ability to edit driver/team names from within game.

* See rain falling!  (A DX2/66 going to someone's head, I think!)

* Texture mapped sky.

* Makes toast.

--   General DataComm Advanced Research Centre Limited
--   Telephone +44 (0)1268 534228
--                       Disclaimer: I didn't say anything.


ICR Reality check re:Elkhart

by oko » Sun, 25 Sep 1994 03:34:54

I'am sure they would like these ideas.
X-Newsreader: TIN [version 1.2 PL0]

: As a recent purchaser of ICR, I've been noticing things that may be
: old hat to the rest of you.

: For instance, I can't believe how many times the computer cars try
: to go into a turn on an oval 4 wide.  They slow the whole group down
: and I end up comming up on them with a speed differential of ~50mph.
: In fact, the computer cars seem to duke it out all the time.  Thereby
: slowing both cars in the battle.

: I'd like to see a more populated pit road.  That would make things a little
: more realistic.  It would be even a greater challenge to pick out your
: team amongst all the others.

: I'd also like to have in car radio.  Instead of getting your lap board,
: have the sound card speak up!  Have your pit crew tell you what your
: stats are.

: And how about the way the computer cars behind you act when you've crashed.
: Every once in a while, when I crash, I'd like to be spinning, then get
: plowed into by another car.

: Tear offs would be cool.  Maybe you'd have to reach up to the keyboard
: to hit the spacebar to clear up your vision.  And on that note, more
: visible computer car troubles, like a smoking engine that spews oil
: all over your visor.  And, to tie in again, have your pit crew radio
: you to watch out for oil/debris/burning car in turn X.

: Driver personalities should be difficult to implement but cool.  Did
: I read they were doing this in NASCAR?

: Career management.  Get fired by a team, get promoted to #1 car, etc...
: Get forced to practice or tire test.  Do it for an entire career, not
: just 1 season - year after year.

: where shall I stop...

: I should be able to limp into the pits alot better when I blow a tire
: after bumping someone.

: Pace car.  I have no idea why this wasn't implemented to begin with.
: What?  Couldn't Papyrus animate a car driving on the track? sheesh.

: Combination wet and dry races.  You have to make the decision to
: come in and put on rain tires or not...

: You should actually have to drive into victory lane.  Pull the car
: right up on to the ramp.

: Work with your "computer" team mate on setups?  Ride along with them
: in practice sessions to check speeds and tire temps.  Or just get a
: stat sheet.

: Have you ever wanted to see that tire hit the ground and roll a bit
: after it flew aff your car in a wreck?

: How 'bout runoff areas on road circuits?  Full with cones and tire
: barriers and hay bales?

: ok..that's about all I can come up with now.
: If I were to pick 1 or 2 of these...I'd pick #1 radio contact with pit
: crew, and #2 career management.

: Thanks for bearing with me...
: Reed Keel

: These are my personal opinions.

Chris Gouch

ICR Reality check re:Elkhart

by Chris Gouch » Tue, 27 Sep 1994 23:00:38

--- I think it is a good idea, myself, and to top that off I'd like to go out
on a limb and suggest that for ICRS-3 (and others) adopt different classes
for different driving devices myself, for each division.  (Hi Ralf :) ).
I may be way out in left field here, but I feel a joystick/yoke will
produce better times/speeds so therefore should be ranked differently (how
anyone can play ICR with the keyboard consistantly is beyond me anyway, but
that's my opinion ;-) ).  I think there should be a keyboard-class, joystick/
yoke class, and the T-1 driving unit (manual shifting compulsary!) class
myself.  The reason I separte yoke and the T-1 is that with many yokes (at least
the one I have - CH-VP) it just doesn't have enough buttons to be convenient
to manual shift (and NOT pull/yank on the column)... thus it's just a glorified
j.stick, IMO.  With rudder pedals it may be fine (?)

--- What'ya say all?
Christopher Goucher                                 Atlantic Geoscience Centre

work: (902) 426-4754                                    Dartmouth, Nova Scotia
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