>>>Strange - out for a whole day and no comments so far ;)
>>>Anyone care to share their impressions so far. The few forum posts I've
>>>found suggest the worst-case scenario in that the demo was a fairly exact
>>>representation of the final product (car shape, mirror, sound, spotter,
>>>diff .... etc). However, I'd really like an excuse to buy this as I'd
>>>like to run the new rules and could do with a change.
>> I have heard it does not support the TSW.
> Yet another game that doesn't work off the bat with the TSW. What's so
> difficult about it??? There's no drivers to make it work, simply plug it
> in and calibrate it in the Windows game controller manager. Why wouldn't
> games accept that? Papyrus/Sierra was the only game company, in memory,
> that hasn't given me problems with my TSW.
> Plus, have any of you read the disclaimer at the back of NSR box? 1) You
> have to register to play online. 2) EA reserves the right to remove the
> online servers a) 30 days after the servers come online for the first time
> or b) 10 days after the beginning of the 2005 season (again if I remember
> correctly). What, no direct IP racing?
> P.