Hi !!!
I`ve installed the patch to ver.1.02 of ICR2, but since then my paintkit
doesn`t work !!!! Even when I update it to ver.1.02 !!! NEED HELP !!!!!!
Hi !!!
I`ve installed the patch to ver.1.02 of ICR2, but since then my paintkit
doesn`t work !!!! Even when I update it to ver.1.02 !!! NEED HELP !!!!!!
Hi !!!
I`ve installed the patch to ver.1.02 of ICR2, but since then my paintkit
doesn`t work !!!! Even when I update it to ver.1.02 !!! NEED HELP !!!!!!
: Hi !!!
: I`ve installed the patch to ver.1.02 of ICR2, but since then my paintkit
: doesn`t work !!!! Even when I update it to ver.1.02 !!! NEED HELP !!!!!!
You may want to check and make sure that the files in under your CARS
directory do not have the attribute set to "read-only".
**************************** Michael E. Carver *************************
Upside out, or inside down...False alarm the only game in town.
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I have exactly the same problem :(
I've just checked & made it sure but it's still NOT working !
What other reasons there can be ?
: I have exactly the same problem :(
: > You may want to check and make sure that the files in under your CARS
: > directory do not have the attribute set to "read-only".
: I've just checked & made it sure but it's still NOT working !
: What other reasons there can be ?
I am confused. The 1.02 patch for ICR2 shouldn't have done anything to
the paintkit. What's happening when you try to run paintkit?
**************************** Michael E. Carver *************************
Upside out, or inside down...False alarm the only game in town.
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That is what I do:
I run Paintkit -> the main picture appears (I had changed it to Brayn
Herta's car before I patched the game & paintkit worked well) -> I PRESS
for a while & that is all - I have to "exit")
I cannot understand what's the matter.
I'm nearly sure that I saw how the patch worked over Paintkit.
I'm new to this newsgroup and this is my first post so if it's repetitive
my apologies. Your situation may not have anything to do with the patch,
but whether or not you changed anything, anything AT ALL in the Cars95. I
changed one line of text and now I can't open up Cars95 in the paintkit,
nor can the paintkit create new sets for me. I e-mailed Sierra and was
told any changes to Cars95 can drastically affect the Paintkit.
One question, can you get Paintkit to run with any of your car sets, or
are you just typing Paintkit, which would give you the Cars95 set. I got
other sets that I have no problem using Paintkit with.
Hope any of this mumbo-jumbo helps you.
The worlds only Spike Gehlhausen fan left.
You probably have CARS95.DAT as a Read-Only file. Paintkit does not let you
open any carset that has a read-only atribute.
We never change the cars95. Just make a new directory under the CARS, copy
everything from cars95 and change the name of the DAT to match the name of
the directory. Don't forget about changing the atributes to read-write
(attrib -r *.*).
For the paintkit, I just create a couple of batch files to be able to open
any carset.
if "%1" == "" goto carset
paintkit %1
goto theend
echo paintkit %%2 > pk0.bat
copy pkit.ovr pk1.bat > nul
dir cars /ad /b | grep -i -n [a-z0-9] | find " " > xx.yy
echo Inform the Carset you want to use
type xx.yy
echo Type your option?
choice /c:123456789 /n
if errorlevel 9 goto err9
if errorlevel 8 goto err8
if errorlevel 7 goto err7
if errorlevel 6 goto err6
if errorlevel 5 goto err5
if errorlevel 4 goto err4
if errorlevel 3 goto err3
if errorlevel 2 goto err2
dir cars /ad /b | grep -i -n [a-z0-9] | find "1 " > xx.yy
goto all
dir cars /ad /b | grep -i -n [a-z0-9] | find "2 " > xx.yy
goto all
dir cars /ad /b | grep -i -n [a-z0-9] | find "3 " > xx.yy
goto all
dir cars /ad /b | grep -i -n [a-z0-9] | find "4 " > xx.yy
goto all
dir cars /ad /b | grep -i -n [a-z0-9] | find "5 " > xx.yy
goto all
dir cars /ad /b | grep -i -n [a-z0-9] | find "6 " > xx.yy
goto all
dir cars /ad /b | grep -i -n [a-z0-9] | find "7 " > xx.yy
goto all
dir cars /ad /b | grep -i -n [a-z0-9] | find "8 " > xx.yy
goto all
dir cars /ad /b | grep -i -n [a-z0-9] | find "9 " > xx.yy
goto all
type xx.yy >> pk1.bat
call pk1.bat
del pk?.bat
del xx.yy
call pk0.bat
Just create this two files on the ICR2 directory and also save the GREP.COM
attached file.
Roberto Reboucas
Sao Paulo, Brazil
begin 600 Grep.com