There are only 5 or 6 paintjobs given out and each one is assigned to
several numbers, someone did figure out ro replace these with WC cars but
you will still see 3 or 4 cars with each paintjob in a pick up race but it
will be WC rather than generic ones.
Steve Levett
> I wonder how much trouble it would be for the developers or an
> industrious hacker to allow paintjobs to be downloaded "on the fly".
> Probably a horrible bandwidth killer, but it works for some shooter
> games...
> Also, does anybody know how N4 decides what "default" paintjob to
> display for a given car number? Is it random? Is there a way to
> replace these paintjobs with something else?
> Gerald Moore
> > > Other people won't be able to see your paint job unless they have your
> > > carfile on their system. Same for you seeing thier paint job. You'd
> > > to have their carfile on your system.
> > Thanks Pops, Jonny Hodgson & Whodaquy. Now I won't be racking my brain
> > anymore.
> > Bob
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