>Subject: Demolishion Derby simulator... why not?!?!
>Date: Tue, 14 Feb 1995 15:53:41
>I realize that someone may have my internet feed pulled for suggesting this,
>but why doesn't Papyrus (or anyone for that matter) put together a demolishion
>derby game for the PC? They have all of those need effects in NASCAR for
>bending metal, so there is not much work left to be done.
>Also would make for a highly entertaining game. You could change the size of
>the pavement, modify the ground type (mud, asphalt, hard dirt), change the
>size of the field of cars.
>I think it would make for a very popular game.
AAAAAGHGHGHHGHHH! Don't say that again, or Papyrus might hear you and take
you seriously!!! :-(
A demolition derby sim would do for racing simulators what Galaga or Space
Invaders does for space simulators... This is all IMHO, of course. But as a
racing fan, I'd get tired of just seeing parts fly off cars all day. After a
while, it just wouldn't be fun anymore.
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