FF Newbie Question

Brian McLerno

FF Newbie Question

by Brian McLerno » Tue, 16 Jul 2002 01:13:46

    I have an oppurtunity to get a Logitech Wingman FF GP or a Thrustmaster
Nascar FF but I have to decicde this week.  Any one used both have any
constructive comments as to which one feels better/work better?  More
realistic?  I just love the feel of the T master wheels (have had 3 so far).
Also, I know N2002 has FF.  What other sims (GPL, NHeat, etc.)  support
Force Feedback?  Thanks!

-Brian Mc

Jan Verschuere

FF Newbie Question

by Jan Verschuere » Tue, 16 Jul 2002 02:02:59

I would say go with the Logitech. The Thrusmaster one has a bigger CPU load
and, reportedly, suffers from build-quality/reliability issues.

That said... the Trustmaster pedals are likely to feel a lot better than the
Logitech equivalents. If you get the Logitech you should also consider a 3rd
party pedal set (Act labs / CH).

Basically anything newer than GP2 supports force feedback in some shape or
form, so I think you're safe on the game front.


Dave Henri

FF Newbie Question

by Dave Henri » Tue, 16 Jul 2002 02:09:26

   Lots of titles have force feedback, but only a few really produce effects
that enhance the driving.  Most FF are merely rumble strips or collision
detections...When you get actual car feedback then you are really beginning
to get a real benefit from FF.
   The best these days that I know of are:
F1 2002 or 2001(patched),  GPL(patched),  N4/N2k2.
  I don't have experience with the driving types like Need for Speed so I
can't comment on those.  Most of the rallye sims have FF and that is a
critical enhancement as the rough roadways really shake up your driving.  I
have only used Mobil 1 Rally Championship(or Rally Championship 2000 outside
the US).  So there too I can't say if Colin Mcrae2 is better or worse.
   As far as your two choices for wheels,  both are low end price points.  I
have heard some reliability issues with the Thrustmaster wheel,  the pedals
on the Logitech are awful.  You might want to try finding a reconditioned
MOMO wheel or look at the Microsoft FF wheel, just make sure your system is
USB compatible.
dave henrie

Jan Verschuere

FF Newbie Question

by Jan Verschuere » Tue, 16 Jul 2002 02:24:32

FF in NFS:PU is about par for the driving experience, I'd say. MBTR and
STCC2 also have fairly good FF. Nothing special, but doesn't detract from
immersion either.

Agree... good FF in this title eventhough the model is prone to
overresponding to surface roughness and some wear rates border on the
ridiculous, IMO.

At no point does CMR2 feel like driving something off-road, let alone a
rally car. Biggest disappointment in recent times for me.

Agreed... going up the price scale a bit is worth it.

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