hidden, so here I'll try to put all the ones i can remember. If you have
different/better tips please add them.
Everything is just based on my settings for the game.
I'll start with controls:
I have all the axes set to 50% sensitivity and 0% dead zone.
Make sure you turn off speed sensitivity in the digital controller rates
screen. Set it to 0%.
I use a button on my wheel for clutch and have it set to 10% sensitivity. (I
cant decide what is best)
The rest is in the /Save/yourname/yourname.PLR file
Look at the red bars in the control screen that show your gas and brake. If
either one doesnt rise until you press that pedal down halfway, then you
need to adjust the centering value since it gets confused with the dual axis
Near the bottom of the PLR:
Axis [00, 00] Dead Zone="0.00000" // Controller 1 X
Axis [00, 00] Sensitivity="0.50472"
Axis [00, 00] Center="0.50000" // 0.0=min, 0.5=center, 1.0=max (use to
correct centering or split-axis issues)
Find the one that is the axis that is not getting full travel, and change
the Center value to either 1 or 0. For me, i set the Y axis (gas pedal) to
I think thats it for the controls, now the other stuff
No AI Control="1" This way you can still drive after finishing a race
Half Rate="0" full physics
Tire Sampling="1" Better handling over curbs
Telemetry In Race="0" Frees up some CPU during races
Traction Control="3.00000" louder tc
Self In Rearview="1" // Show rear wing and rear wheels in rearview
Moving Steering Wheel="0" For some reason(no one knows why) it seems this
give more responsive controls
LCD Display Modes="5" this gets rid of the driver aids screen and adds
engine and brake temps
Crash Recovery="0" // Artificially keep cars on track or flip cars upright
Mimic Steering="0" Stops your wheel from moving when watching other cars
FFB rumble strip pull factor= Reduce this number to your taste, so the
curbs dont suck you in like a black hole
Thats all i can find for now.