Maxwell Fami


by Maxwell Fami » Thu, 30 Jan 1997 04:00:00

Ok, you see these messages all the time, I know they get annoying,
But if you are an excellent patch writer, and you know about GP2 by
microprose, you can earn $90 New zealand.(approx $62 dollars
This (Im not sure) could be impossible but, all I want is for somone
to make a patch reletivly free of bugs(major ones that is .ie Crash
the computer) so you can FLIP the car and/or make it so you can go
higher than the limit that the program makes(The height of the ***
at Monaco or the bridge at suzuka).
I am NOT joking!!!
Just make a patch and send it to me via e-mail. If I find it
satisfactory and the game playable, I will send you $90 NZ.
And then with your permission I will release it on my pages at:
So if you have the skills to dealve deep into the program of gp2 and
change it so It wont kick up a fuss, then you might have $90 in your
Julian Maxwell



by Frants » Thu, 30 Jan 1997 04:00:00

>Ok, you see these messages all the time, I know they get annoying,
>But if you are an excellent patch writer, and you know about GP2 by
>microprose, you can earn $90 New zealand.(approx $62 dollars

Make it $90k and it could possibly be worth the effort. No seriously,
it seems you have absolutely no idea of how many hours of work it
would take. My formula would be:


  - estimate_of_hours is at least greater than 1000
  - $200 is the hourly rate
  - 1.3 is a risc-factor

Greetings :-)

Patrick Frants

Doing:  RCFS (Radio Control Flight Simulator)

Maxwell Fami


by Maxwell Fami » Fri, 31 Jan 1997 04:00:00

Ok, you see these messages all the time, I know they get annoying,
But if you are an excellent patch writer, and you know about GP2 by
microprose, you can earn $90 New zealand.(approx $62 dollars
This (Im not sure) could be impossible but, all I want is for somone
to make a patch reletivly free of bugs(major ones that is .ie Crash
the computer) so you can FLIP the car and/or make it so you can go
higher than the limit that the program makes(The height of the ***
at Monaco or the bridge at suzuka).
I am NOT joking!!!
Just make a patch and send it to me via e-mail. If I find it
satisfactory and the game playable, I will send you $90 NZ.
And then with your permission I will release it on my pages at:
So if you have the skills to dealve deep into the program of gp2 and
change it so It wont kick up a fuss, then you might have $90 in your
Julian Maxwell

Maxwell Fami


by Maxwell Fami » Fri, 31 Jan 1997 04:00:00

Ok, you see these messages all the time, I know they get annoying,
But if you are an excellent patch writer, and you know about GP2 by
microprose, you can earn $90 New zealand.(approx $62 dollars
This (Im not sure) could be impossible but, all I want is for somone
to make a patch reletivly free of bugs(major ones that is .ie Crash
the computer) so you can FLIP the car and/or make it so you can go
higher than the limit that the program makes(The height of the ***
at Monaco or the bridge at suzuka).
I am NOT joking!!!
Just make a patch and send it to me via e-mail. If I find it
satisfactory and the game playable, I will send you $90 NZ.
And then with your permission I will release it on my pages at:
So if you have the skills to dealve deep into the program of gp2 and
change it so It wont kick up a fuss, then you might have $90 in your
Julian Maxwell

David Gar


by David Gar » Sat, 01 Feb 1997 04:00:00

> Ok, you see these messages all the time, I know they get annoying,
> But if you are an excellent patch writer, and you know about GP2 by
> microprose, you can earn $90 New zealand.(approx $62 dollars
> American).
> This (Im not sure) could be impossible but, all I want is for somone
> to make a patch reletivly free of bugs(major ones that is .ie Crash
> the computer) so you can FLIP the car and/or make it so you can go
> higher than the limit that the program makes(The height of the ***
> at Monaco or the bridge at suzuka).
> I am NOT joking!!!
> Just make a patch and send it to me via e-mail. If I find it
> satisfactory and the game playable, I will send you $90 NZ.
> And then with your permission I will release it on my pages at:
> So if you have the skills to dealve deep into the program of gp2 and
> change it so It wont kick up a fuss, then you might have $90 in your
> pocket!!!!
> Thankyou
> Julian Maxwell

You better come up with a hell of a lot more money than 90 New Zealand
to complete what Microprose didnt nearly finish!! Theres no such thing
as a "patch" for this sim.
Thats why Microprose hasnt announced a "patch" for this sim. Hell, they
havent announced thier existence
in this newsgroup at all!! This sim needs alot more than a patch my man!
This sim needs to be FINISHED
before patching it! No heat intended toward you Julian, but your post is
just another prime example of
this Sim not being acceptable by the "true" racing sim community! I
think its a great Idea that someone like you tries to make this sim
better. It is a great start for a F1 sim, but its FAR from finished! We
paid full price for half a game and that just isnt right. People say
just return it! But most software places wont
take it back! and its too late for a lot of people that dont have a
whole lot of time to play it and figure out
a month later that its missing TOO many things to be considered even
shareware and then try to return it! Hopefully someone from Microprose
is reading this and Im sure they are. As a matter of fact, HEY GUYS!
YOUR SIM SUCKS!! Isnt it strange the way you never see Microprose's
designers post in here?! It just goes to show you , they know what kinda
***they've sold us and arent going to begin to defend themselves! The
only people that defend them are the newbies that have never owned a
complete sim, i.e. Nascar2, ICR1&2. There was no doubt in my mind that
Papy would'nt let us down with their latest sim, because they have had a
good reputation in the past and they also post in here frequently to
help these guys out! Now thats someone that takes pride in their work!
Can you believe the only bashing ive seen in here on N2, is things like
undesirable mouse options and one IA bug at Atlanta! Unbelievable how
some people can *** over the littlest things and  then how you dont
see enough people complaining about getting a game with NO multi-player
option, NO sound, NO acceptable framerate, NO utilities, NO tech
support, NO..........nothin!!

Again Julian, please dont take offense, its not directed towards you,
but if you bought a microwave from Sears
only to find out it didnt cook you food any quicker than a
"conventional" oven, wouldnt you feel like you 've been had?!! Why would
software be any different?!!

Good luck with your quest to make this sim better, because it had a good
start, It just didnt make it
half-way to the finsh line and thats too bad because alot of these guys
in here(including myself) have spent
hard-earned money on FAST pentiums only to have to put up with ***from
"grab the money and run" companies like Microprose! Thanks alot MP,
we'll remember you in the future! Its too bad too because I love F1
to death, but a patch wont get us there, only a "COMPLETED" GP3!!

-David Gary-

Mr Bil


by Mr Bil » Mon, 03 Feb 1997 04:00:00

I know some REAL good hackers & programmers that could look into it.
Cost you $40.00 an hour Canadian. 8hr day.Paid lunch.
Would take about 6 months. No money back refund if they can't do it.
Perhaps you should hound Microprose. It's their Shitty program.

> Ok, you see these messages all the time, I know they get annoying,
> But if you are an excellent patch writer, and you know about GP2 by
> microprose, you can earn $90 New zealand.(approx $62 dollars
> American).
> This (Im not sure) could be impossible but, all I want is for somone
> to make a patch reletivly free of bugs(major ones that is .ie Crash
> the computer) so you can FLIP the car and/or make it so you can go
> higher than the limit that the program makes(The height of the ***
> at Monaco or the bridge at suzuka).
> I am NOT joking!!!
> Just make a patch and send it to me via e-mail. If I find it
> satisfactory and the game playable, I will send you $90 NZ.
> And then with your permission I will release it on my pages at:
> So if you have the skills to dealve deep into the program of gp2 and
> change it so It wont kick up a fuss, then you might have $90 in your
> pocket!!!!
> Thankyou
> Julian Maxwell

Marcus Ple


by Marcus Ple » Tue, 04 Feb 1997 04:00:00

Now wait a minute.  I have never seen a Canadian hacker contract that
didn't include a "and ALL the Beer We Can Drink" clause.  I question
the validity of your offer.  ;-)



by JNR » Tue, 04 Feb 1997 04:00:00

David Gary wrote :

I too am pissed at the fact that I help support the MPS by purchasing

I have sent 2 emails to their tech. dept and wow what a suprise no

Its ***in stupid to have a P200Intel w/ 64meg of EDOram and 4 meg of
vid ram(Matrox Mystique) and STILL run the game without the all the
details on. (sky, details in mirrors etc.) to name a few***ups.

Is anyone else up to doing more than whine like what Im doing ?
Waiting this long for a patch or EVEN for a reponse is now TOO LONG.

What I would like to know here is HAVE all of the GP2 owners who have
just let their copy sit on the shelf or are putting up w/ the game sent
email to MPS to *** about changes ??

If not perhaps ask a collective group( and collectivly
send e-mail to MPS till they shut the site down from overload or get an
answer ??

Any other suggestions ????

Jude R.
AC Cobra(590hp)
Windstar(It carries the kids and the spare parts)



by TOlson94 » Wed, 05 Feb 1997 04:00:00

I forget the exact e-mail address, but try to send some e-mail to Spectrum
Holobyte. They should answer you. I wrote them the other day and they
replied within 2 hours.

Jo Hels


by Jo Hels » Wed, 05 Feb 1997 04:00:00


Jezus, man!

Did your girlfriend just leave you or something?? Are you an ex-employee of

You are overreacting , and you know it. (Or I *hope* you realise it like any
sane person)
Gp2 is not perfect. Some critique is legitimate. The fps system has it's
drawbacks. There's no weather support (although it isn't on the box either). And
Monaco isn't exactly fluent when played in SVGA full detail. It's also a shame
that there's no 3D support, nor Win95.

-development started a few YEARS ago. No traces of Win95 or 3D cards at that
moment. Also, 3D card standards have not really settled: what type to choose?
-good weather simulation is impossible without using dedicated hardware
-Monaco isn't fluent, yes. But the level of detail at which this happens offers
an almost _photographic_ representation! That's not a matter of bad coding,
that's a matter of offering icing on the cake for the near future. You (I and
the others?) will still enjoy Monaco in two years time (SVGA, full detail) while
other sims will be (visually) obsolete.
-Gp2 offers some excellent competitors AI and great car-movement. Name ANY other
sim where the car bounces around like that.

Try to stay objective in your comments


------- The best way to accelerate a Mac is 9.81 m/s2 --------

Bill Jenki


by Bill Jenki » Wed, 05 Feb 1997 04:00:00

  Here here!  I want my microwave patched!  Where are you, Whirlpool?  YOUR

Bill Jenkins
The Chevrolet Beretta Home Page

David Gar


by David Gar » Wed, 05 Feb 1997 04:00:00

> Did your girlfriend just leave....<useless babble snipped>

Complaining is not the point, stating the facts are.
I am not posting my articles to target people who already own GP2, but
the people who are thinking about
buying it.  Fortunately for my time's sake this excludes you.

Is this the only thing you base your SIMS on. This game is incomplete,
period. The graphics
and IA in this SIM are great, but these are clouded by the all the
things that are unfinished in this SIM.
Of the newest and best sims to date, N2, ICR2, N1, F22 runs fluid as
water on my system and
their graphics stand alone compared to GP2 because of their ENGINE.
Theres time for compromise and then theres time for having to put up
with Bullshit!
Well if you like GP2 and have fun then thats what its all about! I, on
the other
hand can smell bullshit, no matter how much icing you put on it. If you
like it
so much then why would you be wasting your time replying to my posts?

The Bottm line is: With NO multi-player option, NO sound, NO acceptable
framerate, NO utilities, NO tech support, NO..........nothin, this game
should be sold for nothin! Its a ripp off!!...nuff said.


Martin Granbe


by Martin Granbe » Wed, 05 Feb 1997 04:00:00

On Fri, 31 Jan 1997 22:00:59 -0500, David Gary

>> But if you are an excellent patch writer, and you know about GP2 by
>> microprose, you can earn $90 New zealand.(approx $62 dollars
>> American).

>This sim needs to be FINISHED
>before patching it! No heat intended toward you Julian, but your post is
>just another prime example of
>this Sim not being acceptable by the "true" racing sim community!

Can you please define the term "true" racing sim community? What makes
you think you can act as a spokesman of this "community"? That is
unless you define it as "we ***agers who flood this newsgroup with
stupid posts about XX sucks and other non-relavent topics".

What do you mean? What isn't right? Instead of just complaining you
could atleast be specific about the shortcomings of the game.

Here we go again....

You start to remind me of one of my friends mother when she has her

It would indeed be very nice to have someone from MPS active in this
group. But considering guys like you will flame them as soon as they
show up they never will. And I don't blame them.

IMHO GP2 is a very good game, so is NCR, NCR2, ICR1 and ICR2 which I
also own.

< Papyrus praise snipped>

Yes indeed, quite unbelievable......

I guess you're not talking about GP2 here. Last time I played it it
had all the things you mentioned above. And there is a lot more utils
for GP2 than for any of Papyrus games. And more will come.


Considering GP2 was late by about a year because things were being
added, this "grab the money and run" doesn't really fit when talking
about GP2. MPS were in financial crises at the time and could have
released it then for a shortsighted attempt to ease the pressure.

GP2 isn't perfect, it isn't running as smooth as perhaps it should be,
their support isn't great and it would be nice with network support

But all these things should have been known to you when you bought the
game, considering you're a member of the "true racing sim community".
To use your microwave metaphor - you wouldn't complain if your
microwave didn't slice you bread, would you?

I hope you just had a bad day, otherwise you need to rethink about
your attitude towards life.




by GSXR » Thu, 06 Feb 1997 04:00:00

 I love to complain about everithing,my stupid dog, my 286 anything!!!!
 But the thing I adore is to *** against GP2 and I know everithing
that you don't know bunch of stupid idiotics newbies of simulations

 From the GREAT DAVID GARY!!!!


Eric Adam


by Eric Adam » Thu, 06 Feb 1997 04:00:00

> On Fri, 31 Jan 1997 22:00:59 -0500, David Gary

> >> But if you are an excellent patch writer, and you know about GP2 by
> >> microprose, you can earn $90 New zealand.(approx $62 dollars
> >> American).

> >This sim needs to be FINISHED
> >before patching it! No heat intended toward you Julian, but your post is
> >just another prime example of
> >this Sim not being acceptable by the "true" racing sim community!

> Can you please define the term "true" racing sim community? What makes
> you think you can act as a spokesman of this "community"? That is
> unless you define it as "we ***agers who flood this newsgroup with
> stupid posts about XX sucks and other non-relavent topics".

> > I think its a great Idea that someone like you tries to make this sim
> >better. It is a great start for a F1 sim, but its FAR from finished! We
> >paid full price for half a game and that just isnt right.

> What do you mean? What isn't right? Instead of just complaining you
> could atleast be specific about the shortcomings of the game.

> >Hopefully someone from Microprose
> >is reading this and Im sure they are. As a matter of fact, HEY GUYS!

> Here we go again....

> You start to remind me of one of my friends mother when she has her
> menstruation.

> >Isnt it strange the way you never see Microprose's
> >designers post in here?! It just goes to show you , they know what kinda
> >***they've sold us and arent going to begin to defend themselves!

> It would indeed be very nice to have someone from MPS active in this
> group. But considering guys like you will flame them as soon as they
> show up they never will. And I don't blame them.

> >The
> >only people that defend them are the newbies that have never owned a
> >complete sim, i.e. Nascar2, ICR1&2.

> IMHO GP2 is a very good game, so is NCR, NCR2, ICR1 and ICR2 which I
> also own.

> < Papyrus praise snipped>

> >Can you believe the only bashing ive seen in here on N2, is things like
> >undesirable mouse options and one IA bug at Atlanta! Unbelievable how
> >some people can *** over the littlest things ......

> Yes indeed, quite unbelievable......

> >and  then how you dont
> >see enough people complaining about getting a game with NO multi-player
> >option, NO sound, NO acceptable framerate, NO utilities, NO tech
> >support, NO..........nothin!!

> I guess you're not talking about GP2 here. Last time I played it it
> had all the things you mentioned above. And there is a lot more utils
> for GP2 than for any of Papyrus games. And more will come.

> >but if you bought a microwave from Sears
> >only to find out it didnt cook you food any quicker than a
> >"conventional" oven, wouldnt you feel like you 've been had?!! Why would
> >software be any different?!!

> Huh?

> >hard-earned money on FAST pentiums only to have to put up with ***from
> >"grab the money and run" companies like Microprose! Thanks alot MP,

> Considering GP2 was late by about a year because things were being
> added, this "grab the money and run" doesn't really fit when talking
> about GP2. MPS were in financial crises at the time and could have
> released it then for a shortsighted attempt to ease the pressure.

> GP2 isn't perfect, it isn't running as smooth as perhaps it should be,
> their support isn't great and it would be nice with network support
> etc.

> But all these things should have been known to you when you bought the
> game, considering you're a member of the "true racing sim community".
> To use your microwave metaphor - you wouldn't complain if your
> microwave didn't slice you bread, would you?

> I hope you just had a bad day, otherwise you need to rethink about
> your attitude towards life.

> /Martin

> No I dont think he had a bad day(unless he was playing GP2!) I think he's

right. Maybe if we all had a Cray computer you wouldn't be hearing all
this.Everyone cant afford a 200mhz super computer though.

Eric is a usenet newsgroup formed in December, 1993. As this group was always unmoderated there may be some spam or off topic articles included. Some links do point back to as we could not validate the original address. Please report any pages that you believe warrant deletion from this archive (include the link in your email). is in no way responsible and does not endorse any of the content herein.