> Ok, you see these messages all the time, I know they get annoying,
> But if you are an excellent patch writer, and you know about GP2 by
> microprose, you can earn $90 New zealand.(approx $62 dollars
> American).
> This (Im not sure) could be impossible but, all I want is for somone
> to make a patch reletivly free of bugs(major ones that is .ie Crash
> the computer) so you can FLIP the car and/or make it so you can go
> higher than the limit that the program makes(The height of the ***
> at Monaco or the bridge at suzuka).
> I am NOT joking!!!
> Just make a patch and send it to me via e-mail. If I find it
> satisfactory and the game playable, I will send you $90 NZ.
> And then with your permission I will release it on my pages at:
> http://www.racesimcentral.net/
> So if you have the skills to dealve deep into the program of gp2 and
> change it so It wont kick up a fuss, then you might have $90 in your
> pocket!!!!
> Thankyou
> Julian Maxwell
You better come up with a hell of a lot more money than 90 New Zealand
to complete what Microprose didnt nearly finish!! Theres no such thing
as a "patch" for this sim.
Thats why Microprose hasnt announced a "patch" for this sim. Hell, they
havent announced thier existence
in this newsgroup at all!! This sim needs alot more than a patch my man!
This sim needs to be FINISHED
before patching it! No heat intended toward you Julian, but your post is
just another prime example of
this Sim not being acceptable by the "true" racing sim community! I
think its a great Idea that someone like you tries to make this sim
better. It is a great start for a F1 sim, but its FAR from finished! We
paid full price for half a game and that just isnt right. People say
just return it! But most software places wont
take it back! and its too late for a lot of people that dont have a
whole lot of time to play it and figure out
a month later that its missing TOO many things to be considered even
shareware and then try to return it! Hopefully someone from Microprose
is reading this and Im sure they are. As a matter of fact, HEY GUYS!
YOUR SIM SUCKS!! Isnt it strange the way you never see Microprose's
designers post in here?! It just goes to show you , they know what kinda
***they've sold us and arent going to begin to defend themselves! The
only people that defend them are the newbies that have never owned a
complete sim, i.e. Nascar2, ICR1&2. There was no doubt in my mind that
Papy would'nt let us down with their latest sim, because they have had a
good reputation in the past and they also post in here frequently to
help these guys out! Now thats someone that takes pride in their work!
Can you believe the only bashing ive seen in here on N2, is things like
undesirable mouse options and one IA bug at Atlanta! Unbelievable how
some people can *** over the littlest things and then how you dont
see enough people complaining about getting a game with NO multi-player
option, NO sound, NO acceptable framerate, NO utilities, NO tech
support, NO..........nothin!!
Again Julian, please dont take offense, its not directed towards you,
but if you bought a microwave from Sears
only to find out it didnt cook you food any quicker than a
"conventional" oven, wouldnt you feel like you 've been had?!! Why would
software be any different?!!
Good luck with your quest to make this sim better, because it had a good
start, It just didnt make it
half-way to the finsh line and thats too bad because alot of these guys
in here(including myself) have spent
hard-earned money on FAST pentiums only to have to put up with ***from
"grab the money and run" companies like Microprose! Thanks alot MP,
we'll remember you in the future! Its too bad too because I love F1
to death, but a patch wont get us there, only a "COMPLETED" GP3!!
-David Gary-