>I gave Forte Agent a go but it's horrendously overrated. Might be OK for
>leeching *** from binary groups....dunno.
I like it for reading/posting news but really that's not the point I
was making.
My disdain for OE isn't the interface or ease of use or any of that,
it's the way it includes features that make no sense at all. I hate
Microsoft's "everything is HTTP" philosophy which is basically done
for no reason other than making the products that they push on the
MS-dependent incompatible with the vast majority of their competitor's
products that actually follow the spirit of standardization. Instead
of working within the system that had been created in order to nurture
and sustain the Internet itself, Microsoft says "screw you guys, we've
got market share from the illegal business practices we've been using,
so if something doesn't work in our software or only works in our
software then the rest of the world should change to adopt to that.
Besides, our software lets you sent pretty HTML email and usenet
messages to your grandma, who cares if they don't comply to the RFC's
that define SMTP and NNTP."
While I'm ranting about Microsoft, I'd also like to note their failure
to include real force feedback in the Xbox. Those bastards.