I forgot what is done to prevent the 1/4 screen size in the menus of GPL
Glide and voodoo 3000.
Anyone remember??
Anyone remember??
> I have had to reinstall win98 and all the software due to a harddrive crash.
> I forgot what is done to prevent the 1/4 screen size in the menus of GPL
> Glide and voodoo 3000.
> Anyone remember??
> Bob
> Jason.
> > I have had to reinstall win98 and all the software due to a harddrive
> > I forgot what is done to prevent the 1/4 screen size in the menus of GPL
> > Glide and voodoo 3000.
> > Anyone remember??
> > Bob
> --
> Jason Monds
> http://www.proracingclub.com - Pro Racing Club! (N4, GPL, Fun Run Sims)
> http://www.racersdomain.com - Race hosting.
> (Please remove 'no extra spork' when replying)