of the engine note of the car that I am driving is much too low to hear
properly - Any ideas - many thanks in advance.
The simplest solution to this that comes to mind is:
Download a replacement sound for the car u are driving from any one of
the good sim sites out there. www.theuspits.com comes to mind.
Throw the sound in your sound folder and give it a try. If its still
not loud enough, open the wav file using Sound Recorder found in
windows/accessories. With this handy little utility u can turn up the
volume of the wav. I use this to turn up the skid sound, which u can
also do, by dl'in a skid.wav.
U can also extract the sounds from the GPL dat files if u so wish. I
jus find dl'in the sounds simpler.
> Can anybody help me with a GPL problem. All sound works fine but the vokume
> of the engine note of the car that I am driving is much too low to hear
> properly - Any ideas - many thanks in advance.
> Chris