their benchmarks...
Rafe Mc
>to have a life of its own! Apparently both AMD & Intel will slide
>some bucks' here & there to show the consumer [whether it is a
>valid point or not] that their chip us better then the others! So in
>essence its a "who's on first" kinda thing? Interesting..
>| When you talk about "popular games" like Q3, etc., basically I think
>| Intel has put a bit of money into those games for a specific purpose.
>| That is, to show how well a game will run if P4 optimized. Q3 gets
>| targeted because EVERYONE compares how their system runs Q3 on the
>| internet (not talking us simmers, but review ans o'clocking sites)
>| So Intel optimize Q3, then everyone says "wow, it runs games so fast",
>| but it only happens with one or two games, so it's a bit of a moot
>| point. AMD did the same thing with Q2 when they released 3DNOW!, to
>| show the speed improvement and impress people. Fancy marketing tricks.
>| It'll take a while for any proggies to carry P4 optimisation, but by
>| the time they do, AMD chips will support it as well, so the P4 will
>| still be a loser IMO.
>| Rafe Mc
>| >> fwiw
>| >> Rafe this is just what I did! Have a P3 1ghz_cpu o/c to 1.22 and
>| >> w/ my abit SA6R mobo w/512megs of ram w/ GF2GTS'Pro my
>| >> little computer smokes for me! <g> Also I just bought the P220f
>| >> monitor & this made my puter look & feel almost real! Wow! :-)
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