Ultimate Per4Mer Force Feedback Wheel from SC&T
Overall: The hardware is great, the software is not yet making optimal
use of it.
Ubisoft has a lot of room for improvement in their f.
feedback programing.
Act Labs has been promising a FF wheel for a long time,
they now have
the advantage to see what SC&T has done, who knows when and
how well
they will deliver. SC&T deserves credit for delivering
first. Their wheel is
well done and the effects can be quite powerful.
Thanks for the review Hector. I made my own custom steering controller
and pedals
with 540 degree of turning, paddle shifters, and realistic feel brake,
throttle and clutch.
Ever since I played the arcade game Hard drive'n with force feedback I
have been waiting
for a good PC version to be available. If they make one good enough I
may have to
give up my custom wheel.