>>newsreaders to download all the articles first before they have a chance
BO>>to weed them out. I personally don't have that problem (eithernet all
>>the way and I suppose you too at UMN) but the poor folks at AOL,
>>COMPUSERVE, etc... gotta deal with the measly 14.4 or 28.8 modems.
>>If I'm wrong let me know, but I believe that's how a majority have to
>>read these things.
BO>FWIW, those using Prodigy & Compuserve are _not_ required to download
>all articles from the newsgroup; they have the ability to "browse" and
>select which posts they wish to read.
Those (like me) who download these newsgroups from local BBS' via QWK mail
don't have a choice. The cars don't bother me so much as the talk about
the stupid bill Clinton signed! Get outta here!! You know who you are!! <g>
* TLX v4.10 * "I'd prefer the non-smoking lifeboat, please."
* OLX 2.2 TD *