> The interesting point here is: "Did the F1 race car drivers of 1967 use
> trailbraking?"
> I think they did. The toe-heel technique has been known for quite some time.
> I have read articles on this and that classic car writtin in 1967 that
> says"The pedals aren't suited to the toe-heel technique because they are too
> close/wrong height" etc, so the technique must have been well known. And it
> was also clear that this was a technique that you needed when going fast.
> They must have used this technique, among other techniques. I am also pretty
> sure they used their left foot on the brakes. When you're in midcorner and
> needed to do adjustments, why not touch the brakes ever so lighly with your
> free left foot?
> And Taruffis book contains drawings of different pedal setups, one was with
> the brake to the right and throttle in the middle, but the clutch was always
> to the left... Perhaps it is easer to place the heel on the middle pedal and
> stretching your foot outwards towards the other pedal than the other way
> around? I think I'd prefer braking with my heel and feather the throttle
> with my toe. You then need a long throttle pedal so that you can reach it
> without twisting your leg... And the brake pedal needed to be bit higher
> than the throttle...
Well, I don't think they did actually, the heel-toe stuff was used to
double declutch (sp) to save the transmission, and not for trailbraking
as such, although I'm sure some used their brakes much deeper into the
corners than others, but using the brakes actively to stabilize the car,
say mid corner, is a relatively new phenomena I believe, but if anyone
has some serious proof about this, I'll be more than happy to change my
POV on this :-)
Besides, I have a feeling that the brakes back then were marginal as it
was, I think they used engine braking just as much as a means of saving
the brakes as a performance enhancing issue, adding the extra wear using
the brakes actively during the corners would put een more strain on an
already highly stressed componenet
LOL, I was just like that when I got my new pedals (with my old CH
pedals I pretty much HAD to left foot brake), but I found I was doing
cleaner laps while left foot braking, so for the sake of everyone
running close to me, I decided to go with that (at least that's my
excuse :-)
Good idea, Bruke K, this one's for you to settle :-)
Beers and cheers
(uncle) Goy