Nascar2 Help

Daniel Malle

Nascar2 Help

by Daniel Malle » Wed, 26 Apr 2000 04:00:00


I bought last week a version of nascar 2 . I find some new tracks for N2 on
the web but i can't use there new tracks, it's don't appering in track menu.
I place new tracks in the track folder but it dosen't work

Do you Know if it have a procedure to install the track .

thank you

Vince Cuffar

Nascar2 Help

by Vince Cuffar » Wed, 26 Apr 2000 04:00:00

You have to add the track to the calendar as well for it to work.  just
follow the curent calendar format but insert the new track name.  any
trouble just ask me!

> Hi

> I bought last week a version of nascar 2 . I find some new tracks for N2 on
> the web but i can't use there new tracks, it's don't appering in track menu.
> I place new tracks in the track folder but it dosen't work

> Do you Know if it have a procedure to install the track .

> thank you

Vince Cuffaro

Performance Refinishing/Racing, Inc.
"Home of the all motor 13 second Civic SiR!"

The US Pits-

ICQ# 25451008

Goy Larse

Nascar2 Help

by Goy Larse » Wed, 26 Apr 2000 04:00:00

> You have to add the track to the calendar as well for it to work.  just
> follow the curent calendar format but insert the new track name.  any
> trouble just ask me!

Ah, so you're not .cal file challenged as well then ?

Beers and cheers
(uncle) Goy

"Team Mirage"
"The Pits"

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