> I know theres been a lot of "Help. My modem won't work" threads lately, but I can't
> find one with a similar problem to mine.
> I've tried to run a GP2 modem game with a mate who has an external MultiModem
> (14k4 I think), but every time the game is "Transferring data...." it just hangs.
> We manage to connect OK every time with either 9600 or 19200 selected, but just
> can't get any further than this.
> A small part of the 'transferring data' status bar is highlighted red, but the
> system just sits there until a time-out after about 1 minute. It then disconnects.
> I have an internal USR Robotics Sportster 14k4.
> Has anyone else experienced/solved this problem. If so, any help would be greatly
> appreciated.
> Pete
> ----
It's probably a matter of init-strings.
Are you using a standard init-string? Well, it's very simple, don't.
They're probably not fully compatible with one or both modems.
I don't know the command-sets for your modems, but if they are Rockwell-based and
Hayes-compatible, then one of the following init-strings might work :
9600 : ATS37=9N0S46=0&Q0&K0%C0 ..(Zoom 14k4 fax/modem) ............modem fixed at 9600
9600 : AT%C0\N0B8 ...............(markless 28k8 fax/modem) ........modem fixed at 9600
14k4 : ATS37=11N0S46=0&Q0&K0%C0 .(Zoom 14k4 fax/modem) ............modem fixed at 14k4
28k8 : AT%C0\N0B11 ..............(markless 28k8 fax/modem) ........modem fixed at 14k4
28k8 : AT%C0\N0B15 ..............(markless 28k8 fax/modem) ........modem fixed at 28k8
28k8 : AT%C0\N0&K0 ..............(Dynalink 1428VQH 28k8 fax/modem) modemspeed determined
by negotiation with
the other modem
If you need the strings with B8 or B15, the value sets the speed,
and 10 or 11 will set it to 14k4 (I don't have this modem, so I
don't know the exact value for sure), you should be able to find
this in your modem-manual.
(In all strings the 0's are zero's, not capital o's)
All these init-strings turn of datacompression (%C0) and DTE/DCE-flowcontrol (&K0)
and select normal, speed buffering, mode (\N0). () for Dynalink.
Some information about the above init-strings to help you find your way in
your modem-manuals :
Zoom-modem commands :
S37=9 : sets 9600 baud
S37=11: sets 14k4 baud
N0 : modem will only handshake with other modem if connectionspeed
matches S37 register.
S46=0 : disables datacompression.
&Q0 : asynchronous operation in direct mode, DTE (pc) speed must match
&K0 : disable flowcontrol (RTS/CTS).
%C0 : disable datacompression.
marklees modem :
%C0 : disable datacompression.
\N0 : selects normal, speedbuffering, mode.
B8 : selects 9600 baud
B11 : selects 14k4 baud (might be 10)
B15 : selects 28k8
Before I had the Zoom-modem (14k4), and I used the 9600 init-string.
When selecting a baudrate of 19200 in GP2 it slowed down the gameplay,
what probably means that GP2 tried to get rid of it's data at 19200,
while the modem could serve it, so to be on the save side, select 9600 in GP2.
I don't think GP2 'sees' that the modem is fixed at 9600 by the init-string,
so it won't see it beeing set at 14k4 either, if you would select 19200.
In other words : if you use an init-string that sets your modem fixed at a
certain baudrate, select a baudrate below or equal in GP2.
When you're using two different Pentiums, then the slower must be the
leader. The 'follow'-er gets a hard load to pull and probably will let
off steam every now and then.
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