the end of the lap, finish line to finish line. I'm not questioning
anyone's integrity. Just curious if anyone else is seeing a discrepancy
between replay times and recorded lap times. (I'm running a slow'ish 200
MMX with M3D.)
Also noticed that Dave is turning in on turn 4 way early, even before
the crest? Is this a trick of the replay camera, or is this how you
really fast guys drive turn 4? Double apex, not a long apex?
Also noticed some of the stills on the page. The Track
Guide for Watkins shows a GP3 with what looks like strong understeer in
the middle turn 4. Obviously not a picture taken at speed, right? I'm at
neutral or some reverse steer most of the way through 4, not cranked
*into* the turn as the picture shows. What's the fast way? I feel I can
pick up a couple of seconds easily on that turn alone.
Also, I haven't got threshold braking down to a reliable art yet. The
car's twitching and twisting strongly. (Where's that brake bias knob
anyway?) Any tips?