Bzzzztt...wrong answer. The 70/50 situation was hypothetical, meant to
convey the point that even if I were in the left lane at above the limit, if
someone was overtaking me I'd still yield the lane to them. You see I am
accomodating, unlike some others. Absolute speed is irrelevant; it's
relative speed I'm talking about. Besides, it's not my job to enforce the
speed limit, nor is it anyone's who's not driving a patrol car and carrying
a badge. It IS on me to drive attentively, responsibly and to do so in a
way that will enable the smooth flow of traffic. All someone accomplishes
by blocking faster vehicles (and that quite often does NOT mean me) in the
left lane, for whatever reason, is to cause a clot in the flow of traffic.
And that's when it becomes more dangerous, with cars getting too close
together and dicey moves popping up by those who are blocked and frustrated,
like weaving right and left through cars at a higher rate of speed. That's
where you get ugly accidents. If people would just get off their high
horses and yield the lane from the outset, none of that would happen.
There's a reason all those signs (and laws, btw) say "slower traffic keep
right". And it works so damned well if people will do it; everything goes
smoothly, everyone gets where they're going at the pace they choose.
This is probably a US phenomenon; I lived and worked in the Netherlands some
years ago and found European drivers far better about this sort of thing
(driving in general, in fact). One of the funniest things I remember was
when this complete a**hole New Yorker I worked with got a ticket on the way
to Amsterdam. The guy had no visible regard for others whatsovever; the
sort of guy who'd walk into a place with a queue fif*** deep and walk
straight to the front, elbow whoever was there out of the way and never
think twice about it. And he drove the same way, constantly in the left
lane. We were cruising at about 170kph on a four lane road posted at 130.
And he got written up for driving in the left lane! Still makes me laugh,
even today...
What were those road signs over there? Oh yeah; "Drive Right!" Sounds good
to me.
> You have no right to violate the law by exceeding the speed limit then
> expect everyone else to accomodate you.
>> No kidding - if only the morons would get how much better and safer
>> traffic flows when everyone reserves the left lane for overtaking and
>> yields it to anyone going qucker. Just did about 1,300 miles of highway
>> travel over the holidays, and that about drove me bananas. The ones who
>> are wedded to their damned cruise controls are the most comon offenders;
>> they'll just sit there mile after mile when they're going .02 mph faster
>> than the car in the right lane. Sure they're passing; it just takes a
>> county or two. God forbid they actually accelerate one or two mph to get
>> around and clear the line of traffic they've stacked up behind them. I
>> don't care if I'm doing 70 in a 50; if someone's overtaking me I'm moving
>> over and letting him by. After all, it might be Surtees and you know
>> what that means!
>> Just thought I'd get this thread back in RAS-mode... ;-)
>> SB
>>>When someone is tailgating me I just get out of the way.
>>>Obviously the tailgater is in more of a hurry than I am so why not just
>>>get out of the way and let him continue in his hurry?. Oh thats just too
>>>fn easy eh?
>>>Nothing I HATE worse than some POS activist blocking the lanes of a
>>>highway just cause he can... I know of ***s that get into the fast
>>>lane and go slow just so he can watch people blow a gasket.
>>>>>>Manuver around accidents Har har har...
>>>>>>hell 90% of accidents are rear enders or left turns in front of others
>>>>>>I "think". last week a gal flying down the highway, just slammed on
>>>>>>her brakes to make a last minute left turn, got ran over. She had no
>>>>>>more idea what the F was around her than the man on the moon. But
>>>>>>unlike the gal 2 weeks before she and the 6 passeengers lived to whine
>>>>>>to everyone that the trucker was at fault. Last time that scenario it
>>>>>>was a tiny minivan, everyone died.
>>>>>>I'll take that SUV, just in case my honey forgets to shut up and
>>>>>>drive, because I wanna think safety...
>>>>>>Another thing that f#cks with my brain is, these soccer-mom types, you
>>>>>>know- in the big urban areas... Got the kids helmet gloves knee pads,
>>>>>>elbow pads, ***pads before the kids can even think about the riding
>>>>>>of a bicycyle or skateboard (THem are strictlyoff limits without
>>>>>>proper safety gear) But just 2 minutes ago, while headed home from
>>>>>>the Friggin soccer game, they all were buckled in, traveling 80mph
>>>>>>less than 4ft from the next *** in front of them, on the 6 lane
>>>>>>expressway.... and dont even think about the Danger they were exposing
>>>>>>everyone to, for what, 2.4 minutes cut off the 20 minute drive? Get
>>>>>>real, once again Cars dont Kill People stupid people kill people with
>>>>>There is NOTHING a person does on the road that infuriates me more than
>>>>>a tail-gater. Absolutely moronic driving. I've gotten out of the car at
>>>>>lights and given people hell for riding my a**. So tempted to just slam
>>>>>the brakes sometimes, especially when the idiot is on the cell phone.
>>>>>David G Fisher
>>>>Easy Rosco, easy.