Mircosoft SideWinder Presison Pro Opinions?


Mircosoft SideWinder Presison Pro Opinions?

by Mike » Mon, 29 Nov 1999 04:00:00

I was wunder if anybody knew any thing about the Mircosoft SideWinder
Presison Pro. Pros and Cons? How do You like it. Is it worth $70 - $20

Mike G

Peter Nilss

Mircosoft SideWinder Presison Pro Opinions?

by Peter Nilss » Tue, 30 Nov 1999 04:00:00

>I was wunder if anybody knew any thing about the Mircosoft SideWinder
>Presison Pro. Pros and Cons? How do You like it. Is it worth $70 - $20

>Mike G

A bit "squeakish", mainly the pedals.
The wheel has to be full left when powered on, otherwise it'll "hang
right" after the power-on self calibration. A common issue I think.
Some people don't like the "notchy" feel of the MSFF gear drive and
prefer the cable drive of other wheels. It really doesn't bother me

Easy clip-on/clip-off to the desk. Takes just a few seconds.
Good strong FF effect (though I thing the LW might be even stronger).
Large pedals with long motion.
Digital, so no jittering or calibration problems.
Recognized in most games so it's easy to get going.
Easy "programming" in the SW software for the few games that doesn't
recognize the wheel right away.

All in all, a good buy.



Mircosoft SideWinder Presison Pro Opinions?

by Mike » Tue, 30 Nov 1999 04:00:00

I think ur thinkin of somthin eles. This is a joystick, Thanx anyway tho

> >I was wunder if anybody knew any thing about the Mircosoft SideWinder
> >Presison Pro. Pros and Cons? How do You like it. Is it worth $70 - $20

> >Thanx,
> >Mike G

> Cons:
> A bit "squeakish", mainly the pedals.
> The wheel has to be full left when powered on, otherwise it'll "hang
> right" after the power-on self calibration. A common issue I think.
> Some people don't like the "notchy" feel of the MSFF gear drive and
> prefer the cable drive of other wheels. It really doesn't bother me
> much.

> Pros:
> Easy clip-on/clip-off to the desk. Takes just a few seconds.
> Good strong FF effect (though I thing the LW might be even stronger).
> Large pedals with long motion.
> Digital, so no jittering or calibration problems.
> Recognized in most games so it's easy to get going.
> Easy "programming" in the SW software for the few games that doesn't
> recognize the wheel right away.

> All in all, a good buy.

> /petern


Mircosoft SideWinder Presison Pro Opinions?

by glen » Wed, 01 Dec 1999 04:00:00

>I think ur thinkin of somthin eles. This is a joystick, Thanx anyway tho

I have one.  It's a great joystick.  No pots, I took it apart, it has a little
optical sensor inside, pure digital.  This means very smooth precise operation,
you'll always want to turn your deadzone down to 0 in all of your games.  It
has extra axis for yaw (twist the handle) and throttle.  Lots of buttons.  Best
joystick I've ever owned.  Very smooth and precise feel all the way around.
Highly recommended joystick.

You can get an FF version.  But I don't like the notchiness of FF products


Tuomas Koskel

Mircosoft SideWinder Presison Pro Opinions?

by Tuomas Koskel » Wed, 01 Dec 1999 04:00:00

On Mon, 29 Nov 1999 21:07:35 -0800, Mortado Filth

>Nice pedals but the wheel is way to springy for me. BTW this guy is
>talking about MS' NON-FF wheel. It's basically a USB FF wheel without
>the FF.

...and Non-FF wheel uses conventional potentiometers instead of
optical potentiometers used by MSFF wheel. Somebody here in Finland
opened the case of the Non-FF wheel and proved my suspicions right:

SW Force Feedback Wheel:
"...Digital/optical encoding tracking system generates accurate
steering control..."

SW Precision Racing Wheel:
"...Designed with potentiometers..."

Tuomas Koskela

         (remove EISPAMMI? when replying)

Peter Nilss

Mircosoft SideWinder Presison Pro Opinions?

by Peter Nilss » Wed, 01 Dec 1999 04:00:00

Jupp, knee-jerk reaction when I saw the words MS Sidewinder in the
<rec.AUTOS.simulators>. You didn't post this in the
<c.s.i.p.g.flight-sim> forum? Those ***ers over there know their
joysticks well.  :-)

/your average disgruntled saitek owner

>I think ur thinkin of somthin eles. This is a joystick, Thanx anyway tho

>> >I was wunder if anybody knew any thing about the Mircosoft SideWinder
>> >Presison Pro. Pros and Cons? How do You like it. Is it worth $70 - $20

>> >Thanx,
>> >Mike G

>> Cons:
>> A bit "squeakish", mainly the pedals.
>> The wheel has to be full left when powered on, otherwise it'll "hang
>> right" after the power-on self calibration. A common issue I think.
>> Some people don't like the "notchy" feel of the MSFF gear drive and
>> prefer the cable drive of other wheels. It really doesn't bother me
>> much.

>> Pros:
>> Easy clip-on/clip-off to the desk. Takes just a few seconds.
>> Good strong FF effect (though I thing the LW might be even stronger).
>> Large pedals with long motion.
>> Digital, so no jittering or calibration problems.
>> Recognized in most games so it's easy to get going.
>> Easy "programming" in the SW software for the few games that doesn't
>> recognize the wheel right away.

>> All in all, a good buy.

>> /petern

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