chance to race it on his system this week. I thought the feel of
F1RC was kiddy like! Almost "Arcade'ish" but I am *so* into
graphics that F1RC looked like one from a video arcade game
at one of our local malls to me.. Odd?
In regards to your comments, my feelings parallel to yours on
F1RC verses GP3.. GP3 is not the best but for me GP3 does
exactly what you describe, imho.. -Thom_j.
btw I have 2 cars, 2 Harleys, yes I do drive & I use to race. :)
| he probably doesn't own a car... i like F1RC, but in no way could it be
| called superior to GP3 in terms of driving..... it's obvious that there is
| something seriously wrong with the physics model as far as tyre behaviour
| goes. slides aren't progressive, and brake/throttle application has no
| 'feel' to it. no, GP3 is far better in this aspect, the slightest changes
| setup are immediately obvious when driving.... though it's not GPL, it
| closer than any other F1 game IMO.
| now i sit and wait patiently like everyone else for the patch. :\
| KK
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