1: Is there any way so that in NOVICE mode you can play ALL the stages
in a particular rally instead of the first 3 only? Why did they do this?
I tried the FREEWAY cheat code but this didn't help any.
2: I play in INTERMEDIATE regularly with no problems, but I did want to
use the 2WD cars in a full season on all the tracks. I have it set so
that ALL CARS IN ALL MODES is enabled, but it sucks racing a 2WD VW GOLF
against 4WD 300hp IMPREZAs. Is there any way to race against 2WDs in
3: I have a MATROX MYSTIQUE with a MATROX M3D piggyback, so what
graphics card do i choose?
4: Is there a way to set it up so that after every stage (in
INTERMEDIATE MODE) I can service and alter the car?
5: Say I want to delete all my high scores and times, but don't want to
bother un then re-installing the game. What files do i delete so that I
can do this?
6: Does anyone know of where I can locate BEST SETUPS lists for the
different levels and cars?
7: Occasionally when I finish setting up the car and go to start the
stage, as soon as it goes to the race screen (where it counts 5... 4...
3... etc...) it zooms to the view that I have selected (usually the
BONNET cam) then for some reason goes immediately to the chase view.
Once in the chase view, I cannot cycle my views at all, and am forced to
restart the race or stick with that shitty view for the whole stage!
This only happens about 35% of the time, but when it does I am forced to
exit the race and re-enter it again to correct the problem. Any Ideas as
to why this is occurring?
Thanks in advance for the help! I appreciate it!
Cary Martynuik,