BTW: John,
I was finaly able to get through to the uk server so I can access the
july issue, but living in oregon was wondering when even the www
version will be up on us server?
Ron R II
>>Just a word : when I tried to download the, Netscape returned
>>a 404 code. Did you put the file ?
>Hi Stephane,
>You should read r.a.s.! :)
>As I mentioned in the "announcement" here, I don't really want to make
>my 'phone bill even worse by FTPing a couple of Mb over the 'phone. The
>FTP version will be up this weekend when I have a chance to hop in the
>car and go visit the server (it gets lonely at weekends...!).
>Hope you enjoy the mag when you eventually see it!
> _________________________________
> __ _____| |_____ __
>________| |__| :| John Wallace | |__| |________
> \ :| |::| :| Team WW Racing TSW | |::| | /
> > :| |::| :|_________________________________| |::| | <
> / :|__|::|____/ * Sim Racing News * \____|::|__| \
>/______:/ \::/\::/ \._____\
** Keep the shiny side up & the hammer down **
*** Ron "Cougar" Riekens II ***
**** Owner - Driver ****
**** Medallion Motorsports/*** Photography ****
*** NASS ARCA Series #96 Pontiac ***