got into a lurid slide and finally got out of it. It was amazing since I
still ran a 1:07 that lap too, all at full sim mode. The car does really
respond to the setups like Jan said.
Not at all - on every lap the HUD shows "-0.02" (or whatever) at
various intervals, so I always know not only if my laptimes are
consistent, but at what point I am losing the time. I find it one of
the best racers in that regard.
Tire wear is modelled - press "u" while driving. Tire temps was a bit
of an oversight, slightly difficult to adjust pressures and camber
without them (or any telemetry for that matter).
Watch your top speed or your laptimes, they tell you very clearly how
badly damaged the car is in the only way that matters - how many
seconds slower per lap you are. It would be nice to see it, but it's
not a big deal - you can't see your air-dam while you're driving your
car anyway.
It is nice - SCGT is slowly growing on me, but I expect it to be much
better once patched and made more realistic by the many talented
people out there. The car feels good to drive but too easy - 70mph
around the hairpins?
- John
> > Why even bother with practice if there are no time
> >sheets that allow me to examine the speeds I've been running? Do I need
> >pause every time across the line and jot down my times so I can see if
> >running good consistant lappings?
> I don't find this to be a problem. My best time is up there, and
> every time I cross the S/F line I see how I did relative to my best
> time. Not only that I get split times at various points around the
> track, so I can find out whether I've gained or lost time in a certain
> area of the track. That's one thing that even many *** sims
> don't provide. Because I look at how I'm doing each lap, throughout
> the lap and at the S/F line, I get a pretty good idea of how
> consistently I'm running, and the splits make it easier to focus on
> areas of the track where I'm losing time.
> > Where the hell are my tire temps? And tire wear?! Are they even
> Well, of course we don't know. Tire wear seems there. I've run my
> tires down far enough to where I distinctly noticed I had a harder
> time staying on the track.
> > However, I do find the "no visible" damage a
> >bit disconcerting because I don't really know HOW much damage has been
> >Is it just a dent or a slightly warped side panel? Or did I mangle the
> >panel up badly?
> If you're IN the real car you wouldn't necessarily know either. You'd
> get back on the road and know by how the car felt to drive how much
> damage you did, and whether or not you could go as fast down the
> straights. That's how it is here, too. When I see airdam damage on
> the message board after banging into a wall, I have a pretty good idea
> I'm in big trouble if I'm at Sebring, where top straightline speed is
> important. If I get wheel damage, I get back on the track and see if
> I have any problems steering. If I REALLY can't tell whether I have
> enough damage to be worth fixing, I stay out another lap and observe
> the split times. If I'm clearly off the pace, I fix the car
> (depending upon how much I'm off the pace). Again, that's fairly
> realistic. Visibility doesn't mean much compared to whether your car
> handles the same and whether or not you can be competitive.
> And yes, GPL is ultimately the most fulfilling racing sim we've seen.
> It's not a game, it's a lifestyle :)
> Randy
> Randy Magruder
>I am sorry you are not getting the same results I am.
>> On Thu, 29 Apr 1999 10:02:34 -0500, "Chris Schletter"
>> > Why even bother with practice if there are no time
>> >sheets that allow me to examine the speeds I've been running?
>> In the left hand corner it shows you your fastest time, your current
>> time, and the about of difference between your best time and your last
>> lap.
>> >Where the hell are my tire temps? And tire wear?! Are they even modeled?
>> Tire wear and gas usage IS modeled.
>> No, tire temps are not.
>> >Fuel mixtures? Mms....damn, why can't I turn down my fuel mixture while running
>> >away with the race?
>> It does.. Its called a gas pedal.
>> Slow down.
>> What other sim models fuel mixtures?
>> None that I have seen do.
>> >Multiplayer for 6 people? hahaha. Ok, standard is 8 at
>> >the VERY least....
>> They stated right from the get go that this wasNOT a multi-player sim.
>> I for one am happy to see a company still stick with single play
>> games.
>> When was the last time you played GPL without clock smashes or warps?
>> I had a 500kps cable modem and I still hand lag.
>> > However, I do find the "no visible" damage a
>> >bit disconcerting because I don't really know HOW much damage has been done.
>> >Is it just a dent or a slightly warped side panel? Or did I mangle the
>> >panel up badly?
>> While I agree visable dmage should have been modeled, it does tell you
>> that you have taken damage.. And if you can't tell by the change in
>> performance that the car is damaged then you need a new hobby.
>> > Why the heck am I forced to assign BOTH keyboard buttons
>> >and joystick/wheel functions to each control in the game?
>> You don't have to. When it asks for a keyboard input just hit the
>> escape key (ESC) then put in a joystick function. It will not show a
>> keyboard input for the control.
>> >Sure many of game like flight sims or mech style games, etc
>> >allow you to assign multiple buttons/joysticks/etc to controls...but you
>> >aren't forced to have both.
>> And your not.. See above.
>Agreed with all that you said... ICR2 had fuel mixture. But I agree, he
>should learn how to lift off the gas (just like TEN with Nascar II...
>sometimes you can beat competition on fuel conservation alone).